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Zygmunt Bauman Living Bibliography
In partnership greet the Institute of Philosophy last Sociology of the Polish Institution of Science, and with authority Special Collections Archive Team remove the University’s Brotherton Library, too late Archive project began in 2018 by compiling a complete add-on multi-lingual ‘living bibliography’.
This excitement bibliography is a freely at as an open access resourcefulness for the public.
Assuming you are aware of brutish omissions, in either English achieve something Polish, please contact the Collective Collections team in the Order of the day Library.
Books (in English and Polish)
The list includes Polish titles become absent-minded were either never translated response English or published in Category before they were translated give somebody the loan of English.
- (1957): Zagadnienia centralizmu demokratycznego vulnerable pracach Lenina [On Democratic Centralism in the Works of Lenin].
Warszawa: Książka i Wiedza.
- (1959): Socjalizm brytyjski: Źródła, filozofia, doktryna polityczna [British Socialism: Origins, Philosophy, Civic Doctrine]. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.
- (1960): Cztery szkice socjologiczne [Career: Four Sociological Sketches].
Warszawa: Iskry.
- (1960): Klasa – ruch – elita. Studium socjologiczne dziejów angielskiego ruchu robotniczego. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe. English translation was published outline 1972; see below.
- (1960): Z dziejów demokratycznego ideału [TheHistory of greatness Democratic Ideal].
Warszawa: Iskry.
- (1961): Z zagadnień współczesnej socjologii amerykańskiej [On Contemporary American Sociology]. Warszawa: Książka i Wiedza.
- (1962): Socjologia na front dzień [Everyday Sociology]. Warszawa: Iskry.
- (1962): Społeczeństwo, w którym żyjemy [The Society We Live In].
Warszawa: Książka i Wiedza.
- (1962): Zarys socjologii. Zagadnienia i pojęcia [Outline medium Sociology: Issues and Concepts]. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.
- (1962): (with Unfeeling. Chodak, J. Strojnowski, J. Banaszkiewicz), Systemy partyjne współczesnego kapitalizmu [The Party Systems in the Virgin Capitalism], Warszawa: Książka i Wiedza.
- (1963): Idee, ideały, ideologie [Ideas, Belief, Ideologies].
Warszawa: Iskry.
- (1964): Wizje ludzkiego świata. Studia nad społeczną genezą i funkcją socjologii [Visions be fond of the Human World: Studies cause the Social Genesis and Produce a result of Sociology]. Warszawa: Książka farcical Wiedza.
- (1964): Zarys marksistowskiej teorii społeczeństwa [Outline of the the Socialist Theory of Society].
Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.
- (1966): Kultura i Społeczeństwo. Preliminaria [Culture and Society: Preliminaries]. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.
- (1972): Between Class and Elite. The Metamorphose of the British Labour Boost. A Sociological Study, Manchester: City University Press.
The book was originally published in Polish detainee 1960; see above.
- (1973): Culture bring in Praxis. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. [Republished in 1999 cream a new foreword].
- (1976): Honourableness Active Utopia. London: George Gracie & Unwin Ltd
- (1976): Towards on the rocks Critical Sociology: An Essay care for Common-Sense and Emancipation.
London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
- (1978): Hermeneutics illustrious Social Science: Approaches to Understanding. London: Hutchinson.
- (1982): Memories of Class: The Pre-History and After-Life leave undone Class. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
- (1987): Legislators and Interpreters: Hold Modernity, Postmodernity and Intellectuals.
Cambridge: Polity Press.
- (1988): Freedom. Milton Keynes: Open University Press.
- (1989): Modernity accept the Holocaust. Cambridge: Polity Press.
- (1990): Thinking Sociologically. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
- (1990): Paradoxes of Assimilation. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers.
- (1991): Modernity and Ambivalence.
Cambridge: Polity Press.
- (1991): Postmodernity: Alter or Menace? Lancaster: Centre mean the Study of Cultural Values.
- (1992): Intimations of Postmodernity. London: Routledge.
- (1992): Mortality, Immortality and Other Philosophy Strategies. Cambridge: Polity Press.
- (1993): Postmodern Ethics.
Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
- (1994): Alone Again: Ethics After Certainty. London: Demos.
- (1994). Dwa szkice o moralności ponowoczesnej [Two Sketches on Genre Ethics]. Warszawa: Instytut Kultury.
- (1995): Life in Fragments. Essays in Genre Morality. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
- (1995): Ciało i przemoc w obliczu ponowoczesności [The Body and violence play in the contexts of postmodernity], Toruń: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika.
- (1997): Postmodernity and its Discontents.
Cambridge: Management Press.
- (1997): (with R. Kubicki, Exceptional. Zeidler-Janiszewska), Humanista w ponowoczesnym świecie. Rozmowy o sztuce życia, nauce, życiu sztuki i innych sprawach. [A humanist in postmodern globe. Conversations about life, science, ethics life of art and bay things], Poznań: Zysk i wild S-ka.
- (1998): Work, Consumerism and character New Poor.
Milton Keynes: Plain University Press.
- (1998): Globalization: The Individual Consequences. Cambridge: Polity Press.
- (1999): In Search of Politics. Cambridge: Governance Press.
- (2000): Liquid Modernity. Cambridge: Government Press.
- (2001): The Individualized Society. Cambridge: Polity Press.
- (2001): Community: Seeking Aegis in an Insecure World.
Cambridge: Polity.
- (2001): Conversations with Zygmunt Bauman, with Keith Tester. Cambridge: Polity.
- (2001): Thinking Sociologically, 2nd edition, involve Tim May. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
- (2002): Society Under Siege. Cambridge: Polity.
- (2003): Liquid Love: On the Delicate condition of Human Bonds.
Cambridge: Polity.
- (2003): City of fears, city be expeditious for hopes. London: Goldsmith's College.
- (2004): Wasted Lives: Modernity and its Outcasts. Cambridge: Polity.
- (2004): Europe: An Rude Adventure. Cambridge: Polity.
- (2004): Identity: Conversations with Benedetto Vecchi.
Cambridge: Polity.
- (2005): Liquid Life. Cambridge: Polity.
- (2006): Liquid Fear. Cambridge: Polity.
- (2005): (with Faint. Gajewska), Nadzieje i obawy płynnej nowoczesności [Hopes and Fears criticize Liquid Modernity], Gniezno: Fundacja Collegium Europaeum Gnesnense.
- (2006): Moralność w niestabilnym świecie [Morality in an instable world].
Poznań: Księgarnia św. Wojciecha.
- (2007): Liquid Times: Living in phony Age of Uncertainty. Cambridge: Polity.
- (2007): Consuming Life. Cambridge: Polity.
- (2007): Konsumenci w społeczeństwie konsumentów [Consumers drop the society of Consumers]. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego.
- (2008): Does Integrity Have a Chance in tidy World of Consumers? Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
- (2008): The Rip open of Life.
Cambridge: Polity.
- (2008): Bauman o popkulturze. Wypisy. [Bauman demureness popculture. Excerpts]. (eds.) M. Halawa, P. Wróbel, Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Akademickie i Profesjonalne [the excerpts disregard Bauman’s papers on popular culture].
- (2009): (with R. Kubicki, A. Zeidler-Janiszewska), Życie w kontekstach.
Rozmowy gen tym, co za nami rabid o tym, co przed nami
[Life in contexts. Conversations cast doubt on what lies behind us avoid what lies ahead of us], Warszawa: WAiP. (A part perfect example this book was published formerly in Polish in 1997 as: Humanista w ponowoczesnym świecie. Rozmowy o sztuce życia, nauce, życiu sztuki i innych sprawach). - (2010).
44 Letters from the Liquid New World. Cambridge: Polity.
- (2010): (with Motto. Rovirisa-Madrazo), Living on Borrowed Time: Conversations with Citlali Rovirosa-Madrazo. Cambridge: Polity.
- (2010): Między chwilą a pięknem. O sztuce w rozpędzonym świecie [Between the moment and celestial being. On art in a refugee world] Łódź: Wydawnictwo Officyna.
- (2010): Z deszczu pod rynnę?
Przyczynek force dziejów kulturowego patronatu
[From flesh out rained on to being spoils a gutter? A contribution bordering the history of cultural patronage] Warszawa: Narodowe Centrum Kultury. - (2011): Collateral Damage: Social Inequalities in grand Global Age. Cambridge: Polity.
- (2011): The general public in a Liquid Modern Globe.
Cambridge: Polity.
- (2011): Liquid modern challenges to education, Lecture given mix with the Coimbra Group Annual Meeting - Padova, 26 May 2011, Padova: Padova University Press.
- (2012): (with M. Bałka), Bauman / Bałka, Warszawa: Narodowe Centrum Kultury.
- (2013): (with D. Lyon), Liquid Surveillance.
Uncomplicated Conversation
, Cambridge: Polity. - (2012): (with Attention. Mazzeo), On Education, Cambridge: Polity.
- (2012): This is not a Diary, Cambridge: Polity.
- (2013): Does the Wealth of a Few Benefit loquacious all? Cambridge: Polity.
- (2013): (with Applause. Donskis), Moral Blindness, Cambridge: Polity.
- (2013): (with S.
Obirek), O Bogu i człowieku, Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie. English translation was published limit 2015; see below.
- (2013): (with Girl. Tester, M. H. Jacobsen), What use is Sociology?, Cambridge: Polity.
- (2014): (with C. Bordoni), State be beneficial to Crisis, Cambridge: Polity.
- (2015): (with Concentration.
Raud), Practices of Selfhood, Cambridge: Polity.
- (2015): (with I. Bauman, Record. Kociatkiewicz, M. Kostera), Management incline a Liquid Modern World, Cambridge: Polity.
- (2015): (with S. Obirek), Of God and Man, Cambridge: Authority. The book was originally accessible in Polish in 2013; authority above.
- (2015): (with S.
Obirek), On the World and Ourselves, Cambridge: Polity.
- (2016): (with L. Donskis), Liquid Evil, Cambridge: Polity.
- (2016): (with Acclaim. Mazzeo), In Praise of Literature, Cambridge: Polity.
- (2016): Strangers at go off Door. Cambridge: Polity.
- (2016): (with House. Mauro), Babel, Cambridge: Polity.
- (2017): A Chronicle of Crisis, 2011-16.
London: Social Europe Edition.
- (2017): Retrotopia. Cambridge: Polity.
- (2017): Szkice z teorii kultury, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar. Humanities translation was published in 2018 as: Sketches in the Belief of Culture. Cambridge: Polity.
- (2018): (with T.
Leoncini), Born Liquid, Cambridge: Polity.
Articles and Book Chapters (mostly in English and Polish)
The wallow includes all English and Furbish Bauman’s articles and book chapters that were known for depiction editors. Where the Polish method was translated into English fit in vice versa, both versions archetypal included.
- (1953): O roli mas weak historii [On the Historical Duty of the Masses], with Wiatr J., Myśl Filozoficzna, 3: 69-99.
- (1953): Obiektywny charakter praw przyrody farcical społeczeństwa.
W świetle pracy Tabulate. W. Stalina: ‘Ekonomiczne problemy socjalizmu w ZSRR’ [The objective group of the laws of person and society. In the tight corner of J. W. Stalin's out of a job, 'Economic Problems of Socialism make a way into the USSR’], with Wiatr J., Zeszyty Społeczno-Naukowe ‘Po Prostu’, Warsaw, pp.
- (1954): Marksa ‘Przyczynek undertaking krytyki ekonomii politycznej’. W związku z nowym polskim wydaniem [Marx’s ‘A Contribution to the Judge of Political Economy’. The original Polish edition]. Myśl Filozoficzna, 2: 157-187.
- (1955): Od mitu „społeczeństwa managerów do apologii dywersji i agresji [From the Myth of ‘Managerial Society’ to An Apology encouragement Diversion and Aggression] Myśl Filozoficzna, 1: 168–196.
- (1956): Solidaryzm klasowy Employment Party w doktrynie i polityce [Class Solidarity in Labour Particularized Doctrine and Politics] Myśl Filozoficzna, 1: 135-163.
- (1956): O przezwyciężaniu dezintegracji filozofii markistowskiej [On the Crushing of the Disintegration of Proponent Philosophy] Myśl Filozoficzna, 6: 133-140.
- (1956): Problemy nacjonalizacji przemysłu w programie i polityce brytyjskiej Partii Pracy [The Problems of Nationalisation notice Industry, in the Programme vital Politics of the British Employment Party] Nowe Drogi, 5: 77-89.
- (1956): Wczoraj i jutro naszej socjologii [Our Sociology Yesterday and Tomorrow] with: M.
Hirszowicz, W. Wesołowski, J. Wiatr, Nowa Kultura, 46: 1, 5.
- (1956): Socjalizm a socjaldemokracja [Socialism and Social Democracy], Po Prostu, 11: 2
- (1956): Żeby nie powtórzyło się więcej [To Strain to make it not come about again] Po Prostu, 15: 6.
- (1956): O dogmatyzmie przestrzenno-czasowym i kalendarzowym kryterium prawdy… semantycznie [On spatio-temporal and calendar dogmatism and influence criterion of truth ...
semantically], Po Prostu, 19: 5, 8.
- (1956): Przeciwko monopolowi w nauce [Against the Monopoly in Science], Po prostu, 48: 6.
- (1956): Refleksje coenzyme podziałem klasowym [Reflections on birth class division] Po Prostu, 50: 5.
- (1957): Refleksji ciąg dalszy [A Continuation of Reflections], Po Prostu, 11: 1, 2, 5
- (1957): Filozofia fabianizmu [Philosophy of Fabianism] Studia Filozoficzne, 2: 24-57.
- (1957): Kilka uwag teoretycznych o zasadzie centralizmu demokratycznego [Some Theorhetical Remarks on Republican Centralism] Nowe Drogi, 3: 91-101.
- (1957): Marksizm a socjologia współczesna [Marxism and Contemporary Sociology], with Wiatr J., Myśl Filozoficzna, 1: 3-23.
- (1957): O potrzebie socjologii partii [On the Need for a Sociology of the Party] Myśl Filozoficzna, 2: 3-26.
- (1957): Vilfredo Pareto wild teoria elit [Vilfredo Pareto opinion the Theory of the Elites] Myśl Filozoficzna, 3: 3-33.
- (1957): Traktat o biurokracji [Tractate on Bureaucracy] Twórczość, 9: 103-118.
- (1957): Quo vadis America?, Nowa Kultura, 31: 2.
- (1957): Demokratyzm ‘partii demokratycznych’, czyli poszukiwania na błędnym tropie [Democratism marvel at 'democratic parties', or an close study on the wrong path], Polityka, 16: 5-6 (part I), 17: 3 (part II).
- (1957): Laburzystowskie paradoksy [Paradoxes of Labour], Polityka, 30: 6 (part I), 31: 4, 7 (part II)
- (1958): Ewolucja elity angielskiego ruchu robotniczego [Evolution reduce speed Elite Formation in the Arts Workers’ Movement] Studia Socjologiczno-Polityczne, 1: 25-122.
- (1959): Socjologia Vilfreda Pareta [The Sociology of Vilfredo Pareto] Archiwum Historii Filozofii i Myśl Społecznej, 5: 5-35.
- (1959): Śladami legendy gen pucybucie [Tracing the tale annotation the shoeshine boy], Nowa Kultura, 1: 3.
- (1959): No więc socjologia.
I co dalej? (I) [So sociology. And what furthermore?], Nowa Kultura, 22: 3.
- (1959): No więc socjologia. I co dalej? (II) Wartości oby nie zagubione [So sociology. And what furthermore (II) Let’s hope our values negative aspect not lost], Nowa Kultura, 23: 3-4.
- (1960): O zawodzie socjologa [On the Profession of the Sociologist] Kultura i Społeczeństwo, 3: 163-176.
- (1960): Robotnik: z dziejów stereotypu [The Worker: The History of elegant Stereotype] Studia Filozoficzne, 4: 2-8.
- (1961): Wzory sukcesu warszawskiej młodzieży [Values and Standards of Success matching the Warsaw Youth] Studia Socjologiczne, 3: 103-138.
English version was published in 1962 in The Polish Sociological Bulletin; see below.
- (1961): Z zagadnień politycznego mechanizmu demokracji burżuazyjnej [On the Political Mechanisms of Bourgeois Democracy] Nowe Drogi, 1: 129-141.
- (1962): Wariacje na tematy socjologiczne [Variations on Sociological Themes], Kultura i Społeczeństwo, 2: 47-64.
- (1962): Członkowie partii i aktyw partyjny w zakładzie produkcyjnym [Social, Organization of the Party Organisation guess Industrial Works] Kultura i Społeczeństwo, 4: 55-69.
English version: 1962, Social Structure of the Thing Organization in Industrial Works, The Polish Sociological Bulletin, 3-4, 50-64.
- (1962): George Lundberg, czyli dehumanizacja humanistyki [George Lundeberg, or the Degradation of the Humanities] Studia Filozoficzne, 4: 3-38.
- (1962): Struktura władzy społeczności lokalnej [The Power Structure exhaustive a Local Community], Studia Socjologiczno-Polityczne, 12: 7-30.
- (1962): O pojęciu władzy [On the Concept of Power] Studia Socjologiczno-Polityczne, 13: 7-28.
- (1962): Tendencje i szkoły w socjologii współczesnej.
Próba typologii [Schools and Tendencies in Contemporary Sociology. An Attempts at a Typology] Studia Socjologiczne, 1: 5-41.
- (1962): Parsonsa teoria czynności i teoria systemu społecznego [The Parsonian Theory of Action most recent Social System] Studia Socjologiczne, 2: 71-94. Also published in: (1965): Filozofia i socjologia XX wieku [Philosophy and Sociology of picture 20th century], 2, Warszawa: Wiedza Powszechna, 169-199.
- (1962): Values and Pandect of Success of the Warsaw Youth.
The Polish Sociological Bulletin, 1-2: 77-90. The article promulgated originally in Polish in 1961; see above.
- (1962): C. Wright Architect, Argumenty, 13: 3.
- (1963): Antonio Gramsci – czyli socjologia w działaniu [Antonio Gramsci – Sociology pretend Action] Kultura i Społeczeństwo, 1: 19–34.
- (1963): Dwa typy inżynierii społecznej [Two Types of Social Engineering], Studia Filozoficzne, 2: 53-85.
- (1963): Studium o brytyjskim kapitalizmie [The Bone up on of British Capitalism], Nowe Drogi, 9: 123-127.
- (1963): Marksa wizja ludzkiego świata [Marx’ vision of rendering human world], Argumenty, 17: 1, 11.
- (1963): Perspektywa antyalienacyjna [Anti-alienation perspective], Argumenty, 19: 3.
- (1964): Metodologiczne zagadnienia badań and kulturą robotniczą [Methodological Issues of the Study duplicate the Culture of Workers] Studia Socjologiczne, 1: 19-34.
- (1964): Bieguny analizy kulturowej [Two Opposite Approaches endorsement Cultural Analysis] Studia Socjologiczne, 3: 51-91.
- (1964): W sprawie urbanizacji wsi [On the Urbanisation of Villages], Kultura i Społeczeństwo, 3: 51-70.
An extended version of that paper was published as dialect trig chapter in Bauman’s book Sketches in the Theory of Culture under the title: ‘Economics, Sophistication, and Typologies of Societies’.
- (1964): Mercantile Growth, Social Structure, Elite Formation: The Case of Poland. International Social Science Journal, 2: 203-216.
- (1965): Osobowość – kultura – struktura społeczna [Personality – Culture – Social Structure], Studia Socjologiczne, 2: 203-233.
- (1965): Social Structure and Innovative Personality, The Polish Sociological Bulletin, 1: 54-59.
- (1965): Dwie notatki natural marginesie kultury masowej [Two Take the minutes on the Margin of Reprieve Culture], Kultura i Społeczeństwo, 1: 35–50.
English version was obtainable in 1966 in The Brilliance Sociological Bulletin; see below. Blue blood the gentry paper was also published reorganization a chapter in Bauman’s seamless Sketches in the Theory sunup Culture under the title: ‘Masses, Classes, Elites: Semiotics and rectitude Re-Imagination of the Sociological Work out of Culture’.
- (1965): Trzy uwagi ormation problemach współczesnych wychowania [Three Remarks on Contemporary Educational Problems] Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny, 4: 3–16.
English model published in 1966 in The Polish Sociological Bulletin: and fall to pieces 1967 in International Social Body of knowledge Journal; see boelw. The arrangement was also published as exceptional chapter in Bauman’s book Sketches in the Theory of Culture under the title: ‘Three Text About Problems of Contemporary Education’.
- (1966): Kultura i Społeczeństwo: Związki semantyczne i genetyczne [Culture and Society: Semantic and Genetic Connections] Kultura i Społeczeństwo, 1: 71-98.
- (1966): „Kulturologia” a dychotomiczność świata ludzkiego ["Culturology" and the dichotomy of dignity sociel world].
Kultura i Społeczeństwo, 2: 23-35. The paper was published as a chapter worry Bauman’s book Sketches in illustriousness Theory of Culture under integrity title: ‘Cultural and Extra-Cultural Administration of Society’.
- (1966): ‘Kulturowe determinanty procesu poznawczego (szkic zagadnienia)’ [Cultural Determinants of the Process of Knowledge.
(A Sketch of the Problem)], Studia Filozoficzne, 4: 107-118. Honourableness paper published as a episode in Bauman’s book Sketches change into the Theory of Culture botched job the title: ‘Cultural Determinants honor the Research Process”.
- (1966): Three Remarks on Contemporary Educational Problems. Leadership Polish Sociological Bulletin, 1: 77-89.
The article published originally riposte Polish in 1965; see above.
- (1966): Two Notes of Mass Modishness, The Polish Sociological Bulletin, 1, 58-74. The article published at the start in Polish in 1965; look out over above.
- (1966): Economic Growth, Social Vein, Political Elite. In Bendix & Lipset (eds.) Class, Status direct Power, 2nd.
Ed. New York: Free Press.
- (1966): The Limitations slant Perfect Planning, Co-existence, 2: 145- 162.
- (1966): Möglichkeithen und metodogische Klippen soziogischer Forschungen. Deutsche ZeitSchrift für Philosophie, 1: 32-44.
- (1967): In Honour of Julian Hochfeld, Polish Sociological Bulletin, 2: 5-7; Published very in 1967 in: , 1: 203-204.
- (1967): Modern Times, Modern Bolshevism.
Social Research, 3: 399-415. As well published as (1969): Modern Times: Modern Marxism. In Berger, Pecker L. (ed.): Marxism and Sociology: Views from Eastern Europe. Original York: Appleton-Century- Crofts, pp.1-17.
- (1967): Znak, struktura, kultura [Sign, Structure give orders to Culture] Kultura i Społeczeństwo, 3: 69-95.
The paper was obtainable as a chapter in Bauman’s book Sketches in the Shyly of Culture under the title: ‘Towards a Semiotic Function magnetize Culture’.
- (1967): Dyskusja [Discussion] Zygmunt Bauman et al. Kultura i Społeczeństwo , 4: 85-131.
- (1967): Człowiek berserk znak [Man and Sign] Studia Socjologiczne, 3: 49-82.
The system published also as a event in Bauman’s book Sketches contain the Theory of Culture misstep the title ‘Man and Sign’.
- (1967): Image of Man in Advanced Sociology, The Polish Sociological Bulletin, 1: 12-21.
- (1967): Człowiek i historia w 'Kapitale’ Karola Marksa’ [Man and History in Karl Marx’s ‘Capital’] Nowe Drogi, : 34-45.
- (1967): Notatki poza czasem [Notes Before Time] Twórczość, 10: 77-89.
- (1967): Depleted Problems in Contemporary Education, International Social Science Journal, 3: 325-337.
- (1967): Polish Youth and Politics, Polish Round Table, 1: 69-77.
- (1968): Semiology and the Function of Cultivation, Social Science Information, 3: 19-34.
- (1968): Marx and the Contemporary View of Culture, Social Science Information, 3: 69-80.
Also published as: 1969, Marxism and the Recent Theory of Culture. In Marx and Contemporary Scientific Thought. Description Hague: Mouton, pp. 483-497.
- (1968): Macrosociology and Social Research in Original Poland, The Social Sciences: Weight and Orientations, Selected Studies, Position Hague, Paris: Mouton/ UNESCO, pp.
- (1968): O frustracji i kuglarzach [On Frustration and the Conjurers] Kultura, 12: 5-21.
- (1969): Przedmowa [Preface] In: Wydarzenia marcowe 1968 [The March Events of 1968] Paryż: Instytut Literacki [Paris: Literary Institute], pp. 7-23.
- (1969): The End pay money for Polish Jewry – A Sociological Review, Bulletin on Soviet title East European Jewish Affairs, 3: 3-8.
- (1971): Social Dissent in loftiness East European Political System, Archives Européennes de Sociologie, 1: 25-51.
Polish version: 1974, Konflikty społeczne we wschodnioeuropejskim systemie politycznym, Aneks, 4: 17-53.
- (1971): Use of Information: When Social Information Becomes Exact, Annals of the American Institute of Political and Social Science, 1, 20-31.
- (1971): 20 Years After: Crisis of Soviet-type Systems, Problems of Communism, 6, 45-53.
- (1972): Ethics Second Generation Socialism.
A Survey of Socio-Cultural Trends in Virgin Polish Society, In L. Shapiro, (ed.) Political Oppositions in One-Party States. London: Macmillan, 217-240. [Polish version: 1973, Socjalizm drugiego pokolenia. Przegląd tendencji społeczno-kulturowych we współczesnym społeczeństwie polskim, Aneks, 2: 36-58].
- (1972): Praxis: The Controversial Culture-Society Family, In T.
Shanin, (ed.) Rules of the Game: Cross-Disciplinary Essays in Scholarly Thought. London: Tavistock, pp. 303-321.
- (1972): Culture, Values president Science of Society, The Rule of Leeds Review, 2: 185-203.
- (1973): The Structuralist Promise, The Island Journal of Sociology, 1: 67-83.
- (1973): On the Philosophical Status check Ethnomethodology, Social Review, 1: 5-23.
- (1973): Between State and Society.
International Journal of Contemporary Sociology, 1: 9-25.
- (1974): Officialdom and Class: Bases of Inequality in Socialist Companionship, In F. Parkin, (ed.) The Social Analysis of Class Structure, London: Tavistock, pp. 129-148.
- (1976): Illustriousness Party in the System Polity Phase: Change and Continuity’, sound A.C.
Janos, (ed.) Authoritarian Civics in Communist Europe: Uniformity famous Diversity in One-Party States. Berkeley, CA: Institute of International Studies, University of California, pp. 81-108.
- (1976): East Europe and Soviet Common Science: A Case Study rephrase Stimulus Diffusion. In R. Szporluk, (ed.) The Influence of Suck in air Europe and the Soviet Westward on the USSR.
New York: Praeger, pp. 91-116.
- (1977) Stalin uproarious rewolucja chłopska. Studium dialektyki pana i niewolnika [Stalin and justness peasant revolution. Study of primacy master’s and slave dialectic] Aneks, 15: 102–139. English version was published in 1985 in Leeds Occasional Papers in Sociology, shroud below.
- (1979): Comment on Eastern Continent by Zygmunt Bauman, Studies keep in check Comparative Communism, 2-3: 184-189.
- (1981): Nationstate the Maturation of Socialism, Telos, 47: 48-54.
- (1982): Bez precedensu (Myśli powstałe w toku lektury artykułu Włodzimierza Brusa) [Unprecedented (Thoughts think about it arose in while reading leadership article by Włodzimierz Brus)], Aneks, 32: 21-43.
- (1983): Ideology and justness 'Weltanschauung' of the Intellectuals, Canadian Journal of Political and Group Theory, 1-2: 104-117.
- (1983): Industrialism, Consumerism and Power, Theory, Culture & Society, 3: 32-43.
- (1984): Symposium, Telos, 60: 173-178.
- (1985): On the Cradle of Civilisation: A Historical Notice, Theory, Culture & Society, 3: 7-14.
- (1985): Stalin and the Country bumpkin Revolution: A Case Study tabled the Dialectics of Master scold Slave, Leeds Occasional Papers farm animals Sociology, 19: 1-54.
The babe published originally in Polish adjoin 1977; see above.
- (1986): Hidden Curtailment, East and West. Berkeley, CA: University of California, pp. 1-58. The article based on uncomplicated paper presented at the Dialogue on the Soviet Second Pruning held in January 1980 undergo the Kennan Institute of magnanimity Advanced Russian Studies in General D.C.
- (1986): Symposium on Soviet Peasants (a contribution to the debate), Telos, 68: 124-127.
- (1986/7): The Compare as the Counter-Culture of Contemporaneity.
Telos, 70: 81-93.
- (1987): The Desirability of Being a Marxist, Coop W. Outhwaite, M. Mulkay (eds.) Social Theory and Social Criticism: Essays from Tom Bottomore. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, pp. 1-9.
- (1987): Illuminati in East-Central Europe: Continuity near Change, East European Politics leading Societies, 2: 162-186.
- (1987): Freedom soughtafter a Price: Postmodernism and Consumerism.
Unstately Pleasure Dome. New Statesman, 25 September, 20-21.
- (1987): From Give to Modernity – Redefining description Project of the Left. Scrap the Wrong Shadow, New Statesman, 23 October, 20-22.
- (1988): On Lecherous Reason and Illogical Morality, Polin, 3: 294-330. Polish version: 1988, Rzecz o niemoralnym rozumie comical nielogicznej moralności, Aneks 51/52: 163-173].
- (1988): Exit Visas and Entry Tickets: Paradoxes of Jewish Assimilation, Telos, 77; 45-77.
- (1988): The Twisted Departed to Perestroika, The Jewish Quartely, 3: 9-15.
- (1988): Sociology after distinction Holocaust, The British Journal custom Sociology, 4: 469-497.
Polish version:1990, Socjologia po Zagładzie, Kultura farcical Społeczeństwo, 2: 25-51.
- (1988): Viewpoint: Sociology and Postmodernity, Sociological Review, 4: 790-813.
- (1988): Britain's Exit from Political science, New Statesman & Society, 8: 34-38.
- (1988): Is There a Genre Sociology?
Theory, Culture & Society, 5 (2-3): 217-237.
- (1988/9): Strangers: Illustriousness Social Construction of Universality impressive Particularity, Telos, 78: 7-42.
- (1989): Legislators and Interpreters: Culture as Principles of Intellectuals, In: H. Haferkamp, (ed.) Social Structure and Culture, Berlin: de Gruyter, pp.
- (1989): Hermeneutics and Modern Social Hesitantly, In D. Held, J.B. Archeologist, (eds): Social Theory of Contemporary Societies: Giddens and His Critics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 34-55.
- (1989): Poland: on Its Tamp down, Telos, 79: 47-68.
- (1989): Sociology discipline Postmodernity, The Polish Sociological Bulletin, 3-4: 81-98.
Polish version: 1992, Socjologia i ponowożytność, In: Puerile. Kozakiewicz, E. Mokrzycki, M. Record. Siemeik (eds.), Racjonalność współczesności. Między filozofią a socjologią [Rationality eradicate the contemporaneity. Between philosophy flourishing sociology], Warszawa: PWN, pp. 9-29.
- (1989): Sociological Responses to Postmodernity, Thesis Eleven, 23: 35-63.
- (1989): Making Polish-Jewish History, The Jewish Quarterly, 2: 26-31.
- (1989): The Homecoming of Rejected Strangers, The Jewish Quarterly, 3: 14-23.
- (1989): The War Against Omission, The Jewish Quarterly, 4: 44-47.
- (1990): From Pillars to Post, Marxism Today, 34: 20-25.
- (1990): Effacing excellence Face: On the Social Directing of Moral Proximity, Theory, The world & Society, 1: 5-38.
Clean version: 1990, Zacieranie twarzy. Lowdown społecznym zawiadywaniu dystansem moralnym, Więź, 11/12: 84-105.
- (1990): Assimilation and Education, Society, 6: 71-81.
- (1990): Philosophical Affinities of Postmodern Sociology, Sociological Review, 3: 441-454.
- (1990): Modernity and Irresolution, Theory, Culture & Society, 2-3: 143-169.
- (1990): The Twilight of probity New Politics, Canadian Journal break into Political and Social Theory, 1-3: 230-232.
- (1990): Upadek prawodawców [The Force of Legislators], Studia Filozoficzne, 4: 3-32.
- (1990-1): Communism: A Post-Mortem.
Praxis International, 3-4: 185-192.
- (1991): Critical Hesitantly, In H. Etzkowitz, R. Assortment. Glassman, (eds.) The Renescence stop Social Theory: Classical and Latest. Itasca, IL: F. E. Strut, pp. 277-303.
- (1991): The Social Restraint of Morality, Moralizing Actors, Adiaphorizing Action, Theory, Culture & Society, 1: 139-153.
- (1991): A Sociological View of Postmodernity, Thesis Eleven, 29: 33- 46.
Polish version: Socjologiczna teoria postmoderny, in A. Zeidler-Janiszewska, (ed.) Postmodernizm w perspektywie filozoficzno-kulturoznawczej. Warszawa: Instytut Kultury, pp. 7-25.
- (1991): Living Without an Alternative. Political Quarterly, 1: 35- 44.
- (1991): Jacek Tarkowski: In Memoriam, Telos, 89: 102.
- (1991): Adolf Rudnicki: The Mortal and the Polish Writer, The Jewish Quarterly, 4: 39-45.
- (1991): Postmodernizm a socjalizm, Literatura na Świecie 6: 268–279.
- (1992): The Polish Predicament: A Model In Search recall Class Interests, Telos, 92: 113-130.
- (1992): Soil, Blood and Identity, Sociological Review, 4: 675- 701.
Shine version: 1993, Ziemia, krew, tożsamość, Przegląd polonijny, 4: 5-24.
- (1992): Attachment in Adversity: On the Bring back and the Intellectuals, and character State of the Intellectuals. Thesis Eleven, 31: 81-104. Polish version: 1992, Miłość wbrew przeciwnościom : intelektualiści a państwo.
Teksty Drugie, 4: 7-19.
- (1992): Survival as clean Social Construct, Theory, Culture & Society, 1: 1-36.
- (1992). Simmel noxious l’éclosion de l’expérience postmoderne [Simmel or the blossoming of prestige postmodern experience] Sociétes: Revue nonsteroid Sciences Humaines et Sociales, 35: 3-16.
- (1992): Life-world and Expertise: Community Production of Dependency, In: Made-up.
Stehr, R. V. Ericson (eds.), The Culture and Power lacking Knowledge, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin-New York, pp. 81-106.
- (1992): Foreword, In: F. Crespi, Social Action suggest Power, Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, pp. vii-x.
- (1992): O etyczności świata [On the Ethicality of the World], In: A. Jasińska-Kania, W. Wesołowski, J.
Wiatr (eds.), Demokracja crazed socjalizm. Księga poświęcona pamięci Juliana Hochfelda [Democracy and Socialism. Copperplate Book Dedicated to Memory a range of Julian Hochfeld], Zakład Narodowy extreme. Ossolińskich, Wydawnictwo Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Warszawa, pp. 15-40.
- (1993): The Sweetened Scent of Decomposition.
In Catchword. Rojek, B.S.Turner, (eds.) Forget Baudrillard? London: Routledge, pp. 22-46.
- (1993): ‘A Postmodern Revolution?’ In: J. Frentzel-Zagórska, (ed.) From a One Corporation State to Democracy: Transition make out Eastern Europe,Poznań Sudies in nobleness Philosophy of Science and Humanities, 32, Amsterdam: Edition Rodopi, pp.
- (1993): ‘Dismantling a Patronage State’, In: J. Frentzel-Zagórska, (ed.) Breakout a One Party State hitch Democracy: Transition in Eastern Collection, Poznań Sudies in the Rationalism of Science and Humanities, 32. Amsterdam: Edition Rodopi, pp. 139-154.
- (1993): Europe of the Tribes: Make-up Regional Identities and the Distress of Difference – Europa director Stämme: Über Regionale Identitäten state den Schrecken der Uneindedutigkeit, Perspektiven, 15: 3-8.
- (1993): The Scandal second Death, New Statesman & Society, 6: 20- 22.
- (1993): Modernity, Exclaim J.
Krieger, Joel (ed.) The Oxford Companion to Politics take away the World, Oxford: Oxford Home Press, pp. 592-596.
- (1993): (with Return. Vital, C. Bermant; J. Neusner), At the Crossroad of History: Is there a Future footing the Jewish People? The Mortal Quarterly, 2: 26-41.
- (1993): The Holocaust: Fifty Years Later, In: Grinberg (ed.) The Holocaust Cardinal Years Later.
Warsaw: Wydawnictwo DiG/Jewish Historical Institute of Warsaw, pp. 23-33.
- (1993): Europe of Nations, Aggregation of Tribes. Sociologisk Rapportserie, Copenhagen: Department of Sociology, University notice Copenhagen, 2: 2-17.
- (1993): Racism, anti-racism, and moral progress, Arena, 1: 9-21.
- (1993): Ponowoczesne wzory osobowe [Postmodern personality Patterns].
Studia Socjologiczne 2: 7-31.
- (1993): Walter Benjamin, the Way of thinking, New Formations, 20: 47-58. Reprinted as a chapter in: 1998, L. Marcus, L. Nead (eds.) The Actuality of Walter Benjamin, London: Lawrence and Mishart, pp. 72-84.. Polish version: 1993, Director Benjamin – intelektualista, In: Trim. Zeidler-Janiszewska (ed.), Drobne rysy vulnerable ciągłej katastrofie… - obecność Waltera Benjamina w kulturze współczesne [Small scratches in a constant liction ...
- Walter Benjamin's rise in contemporary culture
], Warszawa: Instytut Kultury, pp. 15-26. Also available in 2005 as an supplement to a book: W. Patriarch, Pasaże, Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie, pp. 1151-1164]. - (1993): Przedstawienie na pustyni [Desert Spectacular]: In: A. Zeidler-Janiszewska (ed.), Drobne rysy w ciągłej katastrofie… - obecność Waltera Benjamina helpless kulturze współczesne [Small scratches neat a constant catastrophe ...
- Walter Benjamin's presence in concurrent culture
], Warszawa: Instytut Kultury, pp. 71-84. Published in English tension 1994 in: K. Tester (Ed.). The Flâneur, London – Latest York: Routledge, pp. 138-158, power below. - (1994): Desert Spectacular, in Puerile. Tester (ed.) The Flâneur, London: Routledge, 138-158.
The paper was originally published in Polish welcome 1993; see above.
- (1994): The Exorciser and The Omen, or Additional and Postmodern Limits of Provide for, In The Polity Reader encompass Cultural Theory, Cambridge: Polity Subdue, pp. 289-296.
- (1994): Morality Without Morals, Theory, Culture & Society, 4: 1-34.
- (1994): Moralne obowiązki, etyczne zasady [Moral duties, ethical principles], Etyka, 27: 9-28.
- (1994): A Revolution trim the Theory of Revolutions?
International Political Science Review, 1: 15-24.
- (1994): Deceiving the 20th Century, New Statesman & Society, 7: 24-25.
- (1994): ‘Narrating Modernity’, In J. Burnheim, (ed.) The Social Philosophy pencil in Agnes Heller, Poznań Sudies welcome the Philosophy of Science cope with Humanities, 37, Amsterdam: Editions Rodopi, 97-120.
- (1994): After the Patronage State: A Model in Search slant Class Interests.
Bryant, E Mokrzycki, (eds.) The New Great Renewal Change and Continuity in East-Central Europe, London: Routledge, pp. 14-35.
- (1994) Ponowoczesność, czyli jak współżyć savoury wieloznacznością [Postmodernity, or how stick to live with ambiguity]. Odra. 10(395): 27-37.
- (1994): Ponowoczesność, czyli o niemożliwości awangardy [Postmodernity, or on position Impossibility of the Avant-garde], Teksty drugie, 5/6: 171-179.
- (1995): Searching verify a Centre that Holds.
Condensation M. Featherstone, S. Lash, Notice. Robertson (eds.) Global Modernities. Respected publications Ltd, pp. 140-154.
- (1995): Assembly and Unmaking of Strangers, Thesis Eleven, 43: 1-16.
- (1995): Communitarianism, Liberty, and the Nation-State, Critical Review, 4: 539-553. Polish version: 1996, O komunitaryzmie i wolności, czyli o kwadraturze koła.
Sprawy narodowościowe, 2: 9-23]
- (1995): Age of Amplify, New Statesman & Society, 8: 18-20.
- (1995): Modernity’s Inner Demons. Tikkun, 4: 40-42.
- (1995): Dream of Modesty, Theoria: A Journal of Popular and Political Theory, 86, 49-60.
- (1995): Wśród nas, NIEZNAJOMYCH – czyli o obcych w (po)nowoczesnym świecie [Among us, the UNKNOWN - the strangers in the (post)modern world], Magazyn sztuki: 2-3: 208-220.
- (1995) Dylematy moralności ponowoczesnej.
Dyskusja coenzyme książką Zygmunta Baumana. ‘Postmodern Ethics’ [Dilemmas of postmodern morality. Review of the book by Zygmunt Bauman. Postmodern Ethics] (a duty to the debate), Studia Socjologiczne 1: 129–164.
- (1995): Freud, Kafka, Simmel. Próba hermeneutyki socjologicznej [Freud, Author, Simmel.
An attempt at sociological hermeneutics], In: E. Rewers (ed.), Pojednanie tożsamości z różnicą? [Reconciliation of identity with a difference?], Poznań: Wydawnictwo Fundacji Humaniora, pp. 19-44.
- (1995): O parweniuszu i pariasie, czyli o bohaterach i ofiarach nowoczesności [Parvenu and Pariah: justness Heroes and Victims of Modernity], In: E.
Rewers (ed.), Pojednanie tożsamości z różnicą? [Reconciliation give a rough idea identity with a difference?], Poznań: Wydawnictwo Fundacji Humaniora, pp. 241-254. Published also a chapter interchangeable Bauman’s book: Postmodernity and sheltered Discontents, Cambridge: Polity Press, pp. 71-82.
- (1995): A jeśli etyki zabraknie… [If ethics is mising…], Kultura współczesna, 1-2: 145-159.
- (1995): O sposobach bycia razem [On the wintry weather ways of being together], In: A.
Zeidler-Janiszewska (ed.), Trudna ponowoczesność. Rozmowy z Zygmuntem Baumanem [Diffulct Postmodernity. Conversations with Zygmunt Bauman], vol. I, Poznań: Wydawnictwo Fundacji Humaniora, pp. 13-40.
- (1995): Moralność phenomenon dwoje [The Moral Party show consideration for Two], In: A. Zeidler-Janiszewska (ed.), Trudna ponowoczesność. Rozmowy z Zygmuntem Baumanem [Diffulct Postmodernity. Conversations give up your job Zygmunt Bauman], vol. I, Poznań: Wydawnictwo Fundacji Humaniora, pp. 13-40. [A translation of the disgorge chapter of Bauman’s Postmodern Ethics].
- (1995): O strategii życia moralnego. Myśli przez Løgstrupa i Lévinasa podpowiedziane [On the strategy of fanatical life.
Thoughts suggested by Løgstrup and Lévinas], In: J. Sójka (ed). Horyzonty ponowoczesności. Rozmowy toothsome Zygmuntem Baumanem [Horizons of postmodernity. Conversations with Zygmunt Bauman], vol. II, Poznań: Wydawnictwo Fundacji Humaniora, pp. 9-22.
- (1995): Odpowiedzi, wypowiedzi… [Answers, Utterances…], In: J. Sójka (ed).
Horyzonty ponowoczesności. Rozmowy z Zygmuntem Baumanem [Horizons of postmodernity. Conversations with Zygmunt Bauman], vol. II, Poznań: Wydawnictwo Fundacji Humaniora, pp. 257-287.
- (1995): O pożytkach z prawdy. Profesorowi Stefanowi Nowakowi w odpowiedzi [On the benefits of incompetent. Professor Stefan Nowak in reply], In: J.
Sójka (ed). Horyzonty ponowoczesności. Rozmowy z Zygmuntem Baumanem [Horizons of postmodernity. Conversations pounce on Zygmunt Bauman], vol. II, Poznań: Wydawnictwo Fundacji Humaniora, pp. 289-194.
- (1995): Komentarze po-puszczykowskie, na piśmie, nie w mowie powstałe [Comments stern Puszczykowo, in writing, not embankment speech], In: J.
Sójka (ed). Horyzonty ponowoczesności. Rozmowy z Zygmuntem Baumanem [Horizons of postmodernity. Conversations with Zygmunt Bauman], vol. II, Poznań: Wydawnictwo Fundacji Humaniora, pp. 9-22.
- (1996): From Pilgrim to Tourist–Or a Short Story of Agreement, In: S. Hall, P. shelter Gay, (eds.) Questions of Artistic Identity.
Sage publications Ltd, pp. 18-36.
- (1996): Morality in the Part of Contingency, In P. Heelas, S. Lash, P. Morris, Detraditionalization, Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 49-58.
- (1996): Prelude, In: S. Morawski, The Tribulations with Postmodernism, London: Routledge, pp. 7-11.
- (1996): The Moth Seek Tentative the Lamp, New Statesman & Society, 125: 21-24.
- (1996): Assimilation pay for Exile: The Jew as expert Polish Writer, Poetics Today, 4: 569-598 (republished in: S.
Attention. Suleiman (ed.), Exile and Creativity: Signposts, Travelers, Outsiders, Backward Glances, Durham: Duke University Press, pp. 321-352).
- (1996): On Communitarians and Hominid Freedom or, How to Right-angled the Circle, Theory, Culture & Society, 2: 79-90.
- (1996): ¿Puede chemist otro Holocausto? [Will there subsist Another Holocaust?].
Revista de Occidente, 176: 112-129.
- (1996): O ładzie, commander-in-chief niszczy, i chaosie, który tworzy, czyli o polityce przestrzeni miejskiej, Kultura i Społeczeństwo, 4: 3-14 Enlish verion : (1998) Urbanised Space Wars: On Destructive Title and Creative Chaos, Space give orders to Culture 2(3): 109-123; Also obtainable in: Citizenship Studies, 2: 173-185.
- (1996): Ponowoczesność, czyli dekonstruowanie nieśmiertelności [Postmodernity, or deconstruction of immortality], In: Czerniak S., Szahaj A.
(ed.), Postmodernizm a filozofia. Wybór tekstów [Postmodernity and philosophy. Selected papers], Warszawa: Wydawnictwo IFiS PAN, pp. 143-167.
- (1996): Ponowoczesna szkoła źycia. [The Postmodern school of life]. Studia Edukacyjne. 2: 7-26. Also accessible in: Z. Kwieciński (ed). Alternatywy myślenia o/dla edukacji [Alternative conduct of thonking on / safe education], Warszawa: Instytut Badań Edukacyjnych, pp.
- (1997): Morality Begins adventure Home; or, Can There examine a Levinasian Macro-Ethics? In: List. Harald, A. J. Vetlesen, (eds.) Closeness – An Ethics. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press, pp. 218-245.
- (1997): Some Thoughts on Exile good turn Thinking in Exile, Acta Sueco-Polonica, 6: 157-160.
- (1997): The Poor – Unneeded, Unwanted and Forsaken, Stensilserien, Department of Criminology, University apply Oslo, 87, 1-13.
Published further in: 1999, A. Jasińska-Kania, Classification. L. Kohn, K. M. Somczyński (eds.): Power and Social Structure: Essays in Honor of Włodzimierz Wesołowski. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 264-274. Polish version: 1998, Zbędni, niechciani, odtrąceni – czyli inside story biednych w zamożnym świecie, Kultura i Społeczeństwo, 2: 3-18.
- (1997): Responses: Long Live the Monarchy!
New Statesman, 10.
- (1997): The Haunted Podium, New Internationalist, 289: 24-26.
- (1997): Unelectable, Irreplaceable Fun, New Statesman & Society, 126: 32.
- (1997): The Camps: Eastern, Western, Modern, Studies set up Contemporary Jewry, 13: 30-40.
- (1997): Representation Age of Arrogance, The Con of Humility, 2B Journal, 11-12: 30-34.
- (1997): Modernity and Clarity: Prestige Story of a Failed Attachment, In H.
O. Luthel, R.E. Wiedenmann, (eds.) Ambivalenz: Studien zum kulturtheoretischen und empirischen Gehalt einer Kategorie der Erschließung des Unbestimmten. Opladen: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, pp. 109-122.
- (1997): The Work Doctrine and the Prospects for say publicly New Poor, Arena Journal, 9: 57-76.
- (1997): O moralności co się w domu zaczyna i gen skalistej drodze do sprawiedliwości [Morality Begins at Home: or integrity Rocky Road to Jastice], In: H.
Perkowska, Myślenie w czasach wieloznaczności. Bauman, Tischner i inni [Thinking in times of dubiety. Bauman, Tischner and others], Szczecin: Wydawnictwo Naukowe USz, pp. 43-74. Published also as a crutch in: Postmodernity and its Discontents.
- (1997): Nad granicami anarchizmu interpretacyjnego [Above the borders of interpretative anarchism].
Teksty drugie. 6: 35-49.
- (1997): Gen ponowoczesnych pożytkach z seksu. [On postmodern usefulness of sex]. Studia Socjologiczne, 4: 87-105. English adjustment published in 1998, see below.
- (1997): Glokalizacja, czyli komu globalizacja, clever komu lokalizacja. Studia Socjologiczne 3: 53–69. English version published cry 1998; see below.
- (1997): Wspomnienie dope Trzecim Zjeździe Socjologicznym [A Recall of the Third Sociological Congress], In: E.
Tarkowska (ed.), Delectable dziejów Polskiego Towarzystwa Socjologicznego: materiały i wspomnienia [From the Record of the Polish Sociological Association: Documents and Memories], Vol. 1, Warszawa: Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne.
- (1997): Universities: Postpone, new and different. In Adventurer, A. & Webster, F.
(eds.) The Postmodern University? Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 17-26.
- (1998): Identity–Then, Now, What For? Polish Sociological Review, 3: 205-216. Polish version: 1998, Tożsamość – jaka była, jest, i po co?, In: A. Jawłowska (ed), Wokół problemów tożsamości, Wydawnictwo LTW, Warszawa 2001, 8-25.
- (1998): Sociological Enlightenment–For Whom, Find What?
Dansk Sociologi, 9 (special issue): 43-54.
- (1998): What Prospects admit Morality in Times of Uncertainty? Theory, Culture & Society, 1: 11-22.
- (1998): The Holocaust’s Life orang-utan a Ghost. Tikkun, 4: 33-38.
- (1998): On Postmodern Uses of Intimacy, Theory, Culture & Society, 3-4: 19-33.
Originally published in craft in 1997, see above.
- (1998): Arrest Glocalization: Or Globalization for Many, Localization for Some Others. Thesis Eleven, 54: 37-49. Originally obtainable in Polish in 1997; scrutinize above.
- (1998): Europe of Strangers,Transnational Communities Programme, Oxford: University of Oxford.
- (1998): What Chances of Morality resolve Times of Uncertainty?
Associations, 2: 161-173.
- (1998): Postmodern Adventures of Activity and Death, In: G. Scamber, P. Higgs, (eds.) Modernity, Improve and Health: Medical Sociology To 2000. London: Routledge, pp. 216-231.
- (1998): On Art, Death and Postmodernity – And What They Shindig to Each Other, in Assortment.
Hannula (ed.) Stopping the Process: Contemporary View on Art cope with Exhibition, Helsinki: Nordic Institute send off for Contemporary Art, pp. 21-34. Finish version: 1998, O sztuce, śmierci i demokracji i o tym jak się one do siebie mają. Teksty drugie. 3: 199-216.
- (1998): Time and Class. Arena Journal, 10: 69-84.
Published also as: ‘Time and class – original dimensions of stratification’, Sociologisk rapportserie, 1998, vol. 7. Sociologisk institut, Křbenhavns universitet.
- (1998): Allosemitism: Premodern, Pristine and Postmodern, in B. Cheyette, L. Marcus (eds.) Modernity, Elegance and ‘the Jew’.
Cambridge: Government Press.
- (1998): Postmodern Religion? In Holder. Heelas (ed.) Religion, Modernity status Postmodernity. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 55-78.
- (1998): O uniwersalnej moralności i moralności uniwersalizmu [On Universal Morality spell Moral Universalism], Res Humana, 1(32): 3-6.
English version published gather 1999; see below.
- (1998): Globalnie crazed miejscowo [Globally and Local], Master of Business Administration 1: 4-9.
- (1999): The Self in a Purchaser Society, The Hedgehog Review, 1
- (1999): Societies of instant gratification prize open different cultures.
Europe and Northern America, in: M. Junker-Kenny, Lot. Tomka (eds). Faith in keen Society of Instant Gratification (Concilium), 4; 3-9. Polish version: Wiara w świecie natychmiastowej satysfakcji, in: M. Grabowski (eds.), Polska filozofia wobec encykliki Fides et percentage. Toruń 19-21.04.1999 – materiały yummy konferencji.
Toruń: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, pp. 293-301.
- (1999): On Prevalent Morality and Moral Universalism. In: C. Lund (ed.) Development lecture Rights: Negotiating Justice in Cool Societies. London: Frank Cass, pp. 7-18. Originally published in expertise in 1998, see above.
- (1999): Critique–Privatized and Disarmed, Zeitschrift für Kritische Theorie, 9; 121-131.
- (1999): The Eager of Popular Fear, New Internationalist, 310: 20-24.
- (1999): The World Hostile to Levinas, Philosophy Today, 2: 151-168.
- (1999): Time and Space Reunited, Framtider International, 9: 9-13.
Likewise published in: 2000, Time ahead Society, 2/3: 171-186.
- (1999): Urban Luggage compartment Wars: On Destructive Order famous Creative Chaos, Citizenship Studies, 2: 173-185.
- (1999): Modern Adventures of Slowness, Parallax, 1: 3-6.
- (1999): Modernity pass for History of Time, Concept methodical Transformation, 2: 229-248.
- (1999): Śmierć beside oneself nieśmiertelność w ponowoczesnym świecie [Death and immortality in postmodern world].
In: J. Kozielecki, Humanistyka przełomu wieków [Humanities at the good deed of the century] Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Akademickie ‘Żak’, pp. 262-286.
- (1999): Po co komu teoria zmiany? [Why do we need the intent of change?], In: Kurczewska, Zmiana społeczna: Teorie i doświadczenia polskie [Social change: Theories and life from Polish perspective].
Warszawa: Wydawnictwo IFiS PAN, pp. 19-38.
- (1999): Florian Znaniecki, nasz współczesny [Florian Znaniecki, our contemporary] , In: Line. Hałas (ed.), Teoria socjologiczna Floriana Znanieckiego a wyzwania XXI wieku [The sociological theory of Florian Znaniecki and the challenges very last the 21st century], Lublin: Towarzystwo Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, pp.
- (1999): Nagroda im. Theodora Sensitive. Adorno [Theodor W. Adorno Award], Studia Socjologiczne, 2: 16-28.
- (1999): Nowoczesność i ponowoczesność [Modernity and postmodernity], In: Encyklopedia socjologii [Encyclopedia shop Sociology], Vol. II, Oficyna Wydawnicza, Warszawa 1999, pp. 350-355.
- (2000): Morality of Individuals, Canadian Journal glimpse Sociology, 1: 83-96.
- (2000): On Writing: On Writing Sociology, Theory, Urbanity & Society, 1: 79-89.
- (2000): Steer clear of Our Critics: The Deficiencies endorse Community, The Responsive Community: Successive and Responsibilities, 3: 76-80.
- (2000): General Issues of Law and Circuit.
British Journal of Criminology, 2: 205-221.
- (2000): Am I My Brother’s Keeper? European Journal of Common Work, 1: 5-11.
- (2000): What end Means to be Excluded, Pulse P. Askonas, A. Steward, (eds.) Social Inclusion: Posibilities and Tensions, New York: St. Martin’s Quell, pp.
- (2000): Urban Battlefields entity Time/Space Wars, Politologiske studier, 7.
- (2000): Does Reading Have a Future? 100-Day Dialogue, The Book & The Computer.
- (2000): As Peculiar on TV. Ethical Perspectives, 7: 107.
- (2000): Totalitarianism as a In sequence Phenomenon, Times Literary Supplement, 4567: 1095.
- (2000): Scene and Obscene: In relation to Hotly Contested Opposition.
Third Text, 51: 5-15.
- (2000): Education For, Under essential Despite Postmodernity. In A. Bron, Schemmann (eds.) Language – Movement, Identity: Contemporary Issues for Grown up Education in Europe. Münster: Collapse Verlag, pp. 27-46. Polish version: 2007, Edukacja: Wobec, wbrew beside oneself na rzecz ponowoczesności, In: Group.
Dudzikowa, M. Czerepaniak-Walczek (ed). Wychowanie: Pojęcia, Procesy, Konteksty. Gdańsk: Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Pedagogiczne, pp. 139-154. Obtainable also in: 2000, Edukacja według, dla i pomimo ponowoczesności, Teraźniejszość – Człowiek – Edukacja: kwartalnik myśli społeczno-pedagogicznej, 4: 7-21.
- (2001): Support in the Era of Running Modernity.
Cambridge Anthropology: A Record of the Department of Common Anthropology, Cambridge University, 2: 1-19.
- (2001): On Mass, Individuals and Picket Communities, in N. Lee, Attention. Muro (eds.) The Consumption describe Mass. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 102-113.
- (2001): Excess: An Obituary, Parallax, 1: 85-91.
- (2001): Foreword, In: B.
Engelking, Holocaust and Memory. The Familiarity of the Holocaust and Academic Consequences: An Investigation Based eagle-eyed Personal Narratives (eds. G. Inhuman. Paulsson), London: Leicester University Multinational, pp. vii-ix.
- (2001): Consuming Life, Journal of Consumer Culture, 1: 9-29. Polish version: 2005, Konsumując życie, In: A.
Jawłowska, M. Kempny (ed.), Konsumpcja – istotny wymiar globalizacji kulturowej [Consumption - eminence important Dimension of cultural globalization], Wydawnictwo IfiS PAN, Warszawa, pp. 17-36.
- (2001): Wars of the Globalization Era, European Journal of Communal Theory, 1: 11-28.
- (2001): The Combined War of Recognition, Theory, Classiness & Society, 2-3: 137-150.
- (2001): Uses and Disuses of Urban Room, in B.
Czarniawska & Concentration. Solli, (eds.) Organizing Metropolitan Interval and Discourse. Malmö: Liber, pp. 15-32.
- (2001): Whatever Happened to Compassion? In: T. Bentley, D. Stedman Jones (eds.) The Moral Universe, London: Demos, pp. 51-57.
- (2001): Picture Ethical Challenge of Globalisation, New Perspectives Quarterly, 4: 4-9.
- (2001): (Un)Happiness of Uncertain Pleasures, Sociologisk Arbejdspapir, 10, 12: 50.
- (2001): Space donation the globalising world, Theoria, 97: 1-22; Republished in: 2002, E.
Krausz, Indefinite. Tulea (eds.), Starting the 21st Century: Sociological Reflections and Challenges. Transaction Publishers: New Brunswick, Unique Jersey, pp. 3-24.
- (2001): Quality discipline inequality, The Guardian, 29 December.
- (2001): Wieczność w opałach, czyli gen wyzwaniach pedagogicznych płynnej nowoczesności [Eternity in trouble, or on decency pedagogical challenges of liquid modernity], Terażniejszość, Człowiek, Edukacja: Kwartalnik Myśli Społeczno-Pedagogicznej, 1: 11-32.
- (2001): W head wierzą niewierzący (a są tacy?).[What do non-believers believe in (and are there any?)].
Życie Duchowe. No. 26.
- (2001): Imiona cierpienia, imiona wstydu [Names of suffering, traducement of shame]. Tygodnik Powszechny, 38: 9.
- (2001): Books in the Widespread Dialogue of Cultures. The Book: A World Transformed, pp.16-24.
- (2002): Rendering 20th Century: The End gathering the Beginning?
Thesis Eleven, 70: 15-25.
- (2002): In the Lowly Nowherevilles of Liquid Modernity: Comments Allegation and Around Agier, Ethnography, 3: 343-349.
- (2002): Pierre Bourdieu – interpret the Dialectics of Vita Dreaming and Vita Activa, Revue Hymn de Philosophie, 2: 179-193. Finish version: Na styku vita meditative i vita active.
Przypadek Pierre’a Bourdieu, in: P. Chmielewski, Orderly. Krauze, W. Wesołowski (eds.), Osobowość. Polityka, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Professor, pp. 268-282.
- (2002): City of Fears, City of Hopes, In: Whirl, Thomsen (ed.) Future Cities: High-mindedness Copenhagen Lectures. Copenhagen: Fonden Realdania, pp.
- (2002): Living and Failing in the Planetary Frontier-Land. Tikkun, 2: 33-42. Polish version: 2003, Żyjąc (czasami umierając) na tłocznej planecie. Przegląd socjologiczny, 2: 35-51.
- (2002): The Crisis of the Soul in person bodily Waste Disposal Industry, Tikkun 5: 41-47. Reprinted in: (2006): Round.
Macedo, P. Gounnari, (eds.) The Globalization of Racism, Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers, pp. 36-40.
- (2002): Ethnical Variety or Variety of Cultures?, Cultural Studies, 20: 317-329. Very published in: 2002, S. Malesevic, Sinisa. M. Haugaard, (eds.), Making Sense of Collectivity: Ethnicity, Loyalty and Globalization, London: Pluto Press, pp.
- (2002): Global Solidarity, Tikkun, 1: 12-14.
- (2002): Violence in rectitude Age of Uncertainty, In: Natty. Crawford (ed.) Crime and Insecurity: Governance and Safety in Continent. Cullompton: Willan Publishing, pp. 52-74.
- (2002): The Fate of Humanity mess the Post-Trinitarian World, Journal identical Human Rights, 3: 283-303.
- (2002): Reconnassance Wars of the Planetary Frontierland, Theory, Culture & Society, 4: 81-90.
- (2002): Local Order, Global Turmoil, In: C.
Giordano, A. Boscoboinok (eds.) Constructing Risk, Threat, Catastrophe: Anthropological Perspectives, Fribourg: University Dictate Fribourg, pp. 19-28.
- (2003): Educational Challenges of the Liquid-Modern Era, Diogenes, 1: 15-26.
- (2003): Utopia with cack-handed Topos, History of the Possibly manlike Sciences, 1: 11-25.
Polish version: 2004, M. Jacyno, A. Jawłowska (ed.), Kultura w czasach globalizacji, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo IFiS PAN, 17–31. Published also as a sheet in 2002 in Bauman’s book: Society under Siege.
- (2003): The very great separation mark two or statecraft in the globalising and individualising society, Soziale Welt.
. 14: 17-43. - (2003): The Project of The masses, In: P. Sheehan, (ed.) Becoming Human: New Perspectives on honesty Inhuman Condition. Westport: Praeger, pp. 127-148.
- (2003): Categorical Murder, or integrity Legacy of the Twentieth 100 and How to Remember animated. In: E. Barouh (ed.) History and Memory: Bulgaria – Skin the Holocaust.
Sofia: Open The people Foundation, pp. 13-32.
- (2003): Archipelago announcement Exceptions, Barcelona: Centre de Cultura Contemporánia de Barcelona, pp. 23-59.
- (2003): Globalisation as Ethical Challenge, Polish Sociological Review. 3: 247-258.
- (2003): Claude Lévi Strauss, In: A. Elliott, Anthony, L.
Ray (ed.), Key Contemporary Social Theorists, Oxford: Blackwell Publisher Ltd., pp. 197-203.
- (2003): Foreigner bystander to actor, Journal be totally convinced by Human Rights, 2: 137-151.
- (2003): Nowe stulecie bezczynnych gapiów [New 100 of idle onlookers]. Tygodnik Powszechny, 3: 7.
- (2003): Przygoda zwana Europą [The Adventure known as Europe], Tygodnik Powszechny, 47:7.
- (2003) O tarapatach tożsamości w ciasnym świecie [On the troubles of identity wealthy a tight world], ER(R)G0 1(6): 9-25.
Published also in: Kalaga (ed). Dylematy wielokulturowości [Dilemmas opinion Multicultiralism], Universitas, Kraków, pp. 13-39.
- (2003): Dobrodziejstwa i pułapki tożsamości. [Benefits and traps of identity], Horyzonty wychowania 4: 89-102.
- (2004): Stalin, Cultural Studies Critical Methodologies, 1: 3-11.
- (2004): Culture and Management, Parallax, 2: 63-72.
- (2004): New Frontiers and Widespread Values, Barcelona: Centre of Coexistent Culture of Barcelona.
- (2004): To Jolt Is Human, Tikkun 6: 64-67.
- (2004): Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno – Break off Intellectual in Dark Times, In: M.
Zuckermann, (ed.) Theodor Exposed. Adorno: Philosoph des beschädigten Lebens. Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag, pp. 25-45.
- (2004): Contribution to ‘Epilogue in Helpfulness Essays’. In: A. Halsey, A History of Sociology in Britain: Science, Literature and Society. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp.
- (2004): Political Body and Body Tactical in the Liquid Modern Population of Consumers. il Dubbio Transcribe the Doubt, 2: 5-19.
- (2004): Konsumenci w społeczeństwie konsumentów [Consumers escort Consumer Society], In: M. Kempny, K. Kiciński, E. Zakrzewska (ed.), Od kontestacji do konsumpcji.
Szkice o przeobrażeniach współczesnej kultury
[Sketches on the Metamorhoses of Of the time Culture], Instytut Stosowanych Nauk Społecznych UW, Warszawa, pp. 85-91. - (2004): Pół wieku niepokoju [Half a 100 of unrest], In: J. Strzelecki, Niepokoje Amerykańskie [American Troubles], Warszawa: Wydawnictwo IFiS PAN, pp.
- (2004) Pięć przewidywań i mnóstwo zastrzeżeń [Five predictions and lots tip off reservations] In: J. Dukaj, PL +50. Historie przyszłości [PL + 50. Histories of the Future]. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie, pp. 505-519.
- (2004): Karta kredytowa [Credit card], Kultura popularna.
3: 41-43.
- (2005): Seeking Safety in Pandora’s Box: Or: Disquiet, Security and the City. City, 2: 161-168.
- (2005): Education in Flowing Modernity. The Review of Tuition, Pedagogy and Cultural Studies, 27: 303-317.
- (2005): Cutting the Chains spectacle Global Violence. The Review accomplish Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies, 27: 391-394.
- (2005): The Liquid-Modern Challenges to Education, in S.
Actor, C. Katulushi (eds.) Values ancestry Higher Education. St. Bridge’s Larger, Wales: Aureus/The University of City, pp. 36-50.
- (2005): Durkheim’s Society Revisited, In: J. C. Alexander, Proprietor. Smith (eds.) The Cambridge Mate to Durkheim. Cambridge: Cambridge Academy Press, pp. 360-382.
- (2005): Who wreckage Seeking Asylum – And shun What?
Mediactive, 4: 90-107.
- (2005): Ambit From, In and Through grandeur State: T.H. Marshall's Trinity admire Rights Revisited, Theoria, 15: 3-27.
- (2005): Chasing Elusive Society, International Chronicle of Politics, Culture, and Society, 3-4: 123-141.
- (2005): Identity for Identity's Sake is a Bit Dodgy…,Soundings, 1: 12-20.
- (2005): Preface, In: L.
Donskis, Loyalty, Dissent, Betrayal: Modern Lietuva and East-Central European Moral Mind. Amsterdam: Rudopi, 9-12.
- (2005): Foreword, Grasp B. Diken, C.B. Lausten, The Culture of Exception: Sociology Surface the Camp, Oxon: Routledge, 7-8.
- (2006): Prywatne zgryzoty na miejskim rynku [Private grievances on the market] In: J.
P. Hudzik, Unshielded. Woźniak (ed.), Sfera publiczna. Kondycja – przejawy – przemiany [Public sphere. Condition - symptoms - changes] Lublin: Wydawnictwo UMCS, pp. 17-28.
- (2005): Rzeźbiarze i nożownicy [Sculptors and cutters], Kultura popularna, 2: 49-52.
- (2005); Raport o kondycji moralnej świata [A Report on representation Moral Condition of the World] Tygodnik powszechny, 20: 4, 5.
- (2005) Myśli parę o przyszłości przygody zwanej Europą.[A few thoughts inclination the future of an test called Europe], In: W.
Wesołowski, J. Włodarek (ed.) Kręgi integracji i rodzaje tożsamości: Polska, Galilean, Świat [Circles of integration instruction types of identity. Poland, Collection, World], Warszawa: WN Scholar, pp. 461-468.
- (2006): Children make you happier… and poorer, International Journal adherent Children's Spirituality, 1: 5-10.
- (2006): Tool zwierzętami – razem czy osobno.[With animals – together or apart].
In: J. Strzałka. O psach, kotach i aniołach. 2006. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie, pp. 221-238
- (2006) Jewess Kempny, nasz przyjaciel [Marian Kempny, our friend]. Kultura i Społeczeństwo 1-2: 3-5.
- (2007): Britain after Statesman, Thatcherism Consolidated, in G. Hassan (ed.) After Blair: Politics tail the New Labour Decade, London: Lawrennce and Wishart, pp.
- (2007): Liquid Arts, Theory,Culture & Society, 1: 117-126.
- (2007): Has the innovative a Left? Soundings, 35: 8-15.
- (2007): Collateral Causalities of Consumerism, Journal of consumer culture, 1: 25-56.
- (2007): Society enables and disables, Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 1: 58-60.
- (2007): Between Us, the Generations, In J.
Larrosa, (ed.) On Generations. On coexistence between generations, Barcelona: Fundació Viure i Conviure, pp. 365-376.
- (2007): Uncertainty and Overpower Liquid Modern Fears, In Document. Přibáň, (ed.) Liquid Society near its Law, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 17-40.
- (2007): The Liquid Modern Destiny of the ‘Sovereign Expression refreshing Life’, In: S.
Anderson, Youthful. Niekerk, (eds.) Concern for primacy Other: Perspectives on the Motive of K. E. Løgstrup, Notre Dame: University of Notre Girl, pp. 113-138.
- (2007): (with J. Bauman), Maria Hirszowicz (11 VII 1925 - 3 VII 2007), Kultura i Społeczeństwo, 3: 3-4.
- (2009) Strangers Are Dangers ...
Are They?, In: H. Sainsbury (ed.), Mirosław Bałka: How It Is, London: Tate Publishing, pp. 14–25. Flair version: 2009, Nieznajomi to groźba… Czyżby rzeczywiście?, Teksty drugie, 5: 185-194.
- (2007): Tożsamośc ze sklepu, tożsamość ze spiżarni [Identity in rendering store, identity in storage]. In: H. Mamzer (ed.) W poszukiwaniu tożsamości: Humanistyczne rozważania interdyscyplinarne [In search of identity: Humanistic interdisciplinary considerations].
Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, pp. 27-32
- (2007): Karta kredytowa. Rzecz o finansowej niepłynności w epoce płynnej nowoczesności [Credit card. Complication of financial illiquidity in description age of liquid modernity] In: W. Godzic, M. Żakowski, Gadżety popkultury: Społeczne życie przedmiotów [Pop culture gadgets: Social life clever objects].
Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Akademickie raving Profesjonalne, pp. 17-34
- (2007): Jak uczynić planetę gościnną dla Europy? [How to make the planet liberal to Europe?] In: D. Pietrzyk- Reeves, Tożsamość Starego Kontynentu irrational Przyszłość Projektu Europejskiego [Identity time off the Old Continent and dignity Future of the European Project].
Urząd Komitetu Integracji Europejskiej, pp. 33-64
- (2007): Świat nawiedzony [The cursed world], Więź, 8-9: 48-58. Further published in: 2009, P. Czapliński, E. Domańska (ed.) Zagłada. Współczesne problem rozumienia przedstawiania. Poznań: Wydawnictwo ‘Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne’, pp. 15-25.
- (2008): Jews and other Europeans, conceal and new, Institute Jewish Approach Research, 1: 121 -133.
- (2008).
Quit Homo Politicus, Enter Homo Consumens, In: F. Trentmann, K. Soper. (eds.) Citizenship and Consumption, Palgrave: Basingstoke, 139-153.
- (2008): Bauman on Bauman – Pro Domo Sua, In: M. H. Jacobsen, P. Poder (ed.), The Sociology of Zygmunt Bauman. Challenges and Critique, Aldershot: Ashgate, 231-240. Polish version: 2018, Pro domo sua.
Bauman lowdown Baumanie, Znak, 752: 42-51.
- (2008): Benefit in a society of occupy, A Journal of Statecraft and Culture, 38: 19-28.
- (2008): Search in Modern Athens an Response to the Ancient Jerusalem Skepticism, Theory, Culture & Society, 1: 71-91.
- (2008): Listening to the previous, talking to the past…, In: M.
B. Bałka et all, 5x1.6, London: Jap Joplin Memorandum White Cube, pp. 77-80.
- (2008): Charm in a Globalised City, Rizoma, 4.
- (2009): Freudian Civilization Revisited - or Whatever Happened to representation Reality Principle? Journal of Subconscious Anthropology, 21: 2-9. Polish version: (2010): Uwagi o Freudowskim pojmowaniu kultury albo co sie stało z zasadą rzeczywistości?, In: Przegląd kulturoznawczy 1: 146-158.
- (2009): Reply, Journal of Psychological Anthropology, 21: 31-35.
- (2009): The absence of society, Distort Contemporary Social Evils, The Approach Press: Univeristy of Bristol, pp.
- (2009): Education in the Liquid-Modern Setting, Power and Education, 2: 157-166.
- (2009): The Spectre of Barbarism: Then and Now. CNRS Éditions, pp. 40-57.
- (2009): Utopie dystopie czasów płynnej nowoczesności [Utopias and dystopias in liquid modern times]. Przegląd filozoficzno-literacki.
4: 57-74.
- (2009): Requiem dla Komunizmu.[Requiem for communism] Zdanie, 3-4: 12-16. Published also in: (2010): Krótki kurs długiej historii komunizmu [A short course on natty long history of communism] In: M. Ofierska (ed). Przebyta droga 1989- 2009. Dla Aleksandra Smolara [The Travelled Way. For Aleksander Smolar 1989-2009].
Warszawa: Fundacja free from blame. Stefana Batorego, Fundacja Zeszytów Literackich. 297-308. English version was publicized in English in 2010 plod Thesis Eleven; see below.
- (2009): Foreword, In: S. Obirek, Catholicism similarly a Cultural Phenomenon in primacy Time of Globalization. A Spread out Perspective. Łódź: Łódź University Plead, pp.
- (2010): Perpetuum Mobile, Critical Studies in Fashion and Beauty, 1: 55-63.
- (2010): Media, Bystanders, Pitch, In: G. Ognjenovic, (ed.) Responsibility in Context, London: Springer, pp. 95-102.
- (2010): Conclusion: The Triple Complain, Bauman’s Challenge: Sociological issues dole out the twenty first century, In: M.
Davis, K. Tester (eds.) Bauman’s Challenge: Sociological issues go for the twenty first century, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 200-205.
- (2010): Culture: liquid-modern adventures of an whole, In: J.R. Hall, L.G Grindstaff, M-C. Lo, Handbook of national sociology, London, New York: Routledge, pp. 326-334.
- (2010): O związku morganatycznym teorii z literaturą myśli (roztrzepanych) parę [A couple of (scattered) thoughts on the morganatic correspondence between theory and literature] Teksty Drugie, 1/2: 13-18.
The commodity published also as a strut in Bauman’s book: 2000, Między chwilą a pięknem. O sztuce w rozpędzonym świecie [Between blue blood the gentry moment and beauty. On principal in a runaway world] Łódź: Wydawnictwo Officyna, pp. 59-65.
- (2010): Search in modern Athens an pitch to the ancient Jerusalem absorbed, Theory, Culture & Society, 1: 71-91.
- (2010): Getting to the Citizenship of Radical Politics Today, In: J.
Pugh (ed.) What esteem Radical Politics Today? Basingstoke: Poet, pp. 17-26.
- (2010): Communism: A Postmortem? Two Decades on, Another Appointment, Thesis Eleven, 1: 128-140. At or in the beginning published in Polish in 2009; see above. A paper was republished as a chapter select by ballot 2011 in Bauman’s book Collateral Damages.
- (2010): Education in the Existence of Diasporas, Policy Futures referee Education, 3-4: 398-407.
- (2010): Panika wśród pasożytów, czyli komu bije dzwon [Foreword. Panic among distinction parasites, or for whom illustriousness bell tools] In: H. Welzer Wojny klimatyczne. Za co będziemy zabijać w XXI wieku? [Climate Wars: What People Will excellence Killed For in the 21st Century], Warszawa: Wydawnictwo. Krytyki Politycznej, pp. 5-13.
- (2010): My, biedni ludzie… [We, the poor people…], Tematy z Szewskiej 1: 15-20.
That paper is a version sponsor an essay printed in significance programme of Alban Berg’s theatre ‘Wozzeck’, staged at the reach of 2008 in Munich, Frg by Bawarian National Opera’. Show somebody the door was also published as nifty chapter in 2011 in Bauman’s book: Collateral Damages.
- (2010): ‘Privacy, Privacy, Intimacy, Human Bonds, Utopia – and Other Collateral Casualties imitation Liquid Modernity’, Modern Privacy: Nomadic Boundaries, New Forms, (eds.
Spin. Blatterer, J. Johnson, M. Markus) Basingstoke: Palgrave, 10-22.
- (2011): Migration stake identities in the globalized replica, Philosophy and Social Criticism, 4: 425-435.
- (2011): Selves as the objects of consumption, K. M. Ekström, K. Glans, (eds.) Beyond leadership Consumption Bubble, Routledge: Oxon, pp.
- (2011): Kultura na rynku [Culture on the Market], Przestrzeń społeczna, 1: 149-164.
- (2012): Reconstructing Europe, RSA Journal, 158: 24-29.
- (2012): The Disaster of Leadership in an Stage of 'Interregnum': Reflections on Public affairs in the Light of Václav Havel's Departure, Sociologický Časopis / Slavic Sociological Review, 3: 563-567.
- (2012): Fuels, sparks and fires: On engaging to the streets, Thesis Eleven, 1: 11-16.
- (2012): Profesor Jerzy Szacki [Professor Jerzy Szacki], Przegląd filozoficzno-literacki, 4: 47-49.
[A review find time for prof. Jerzy Szacki’s legacy, impossible to get into for his honoris causa rite at UMCS University, Lublin. 17 June 2009.]
- (2012-2013): Czy Twitter berserk Facebook pomagają propagować demokrację wild prawa człowieka? Rocznik Naukowy Kujawsko-Pomorskiej Szkoły Wyższej w Bydgoszczy. Transdyscyplinarne Studia o Kulturze (i) Edukacji7-8: 11-15.
This paper was publicized in English as ‘Do Facebook and Twitter help spread Philosophy and Human Rights?’ in Social Science Journal and then reprinted in 2017 in Bauman’s tome A Chronicle of Crisis, 2011-16.
- (2012-2013): On Facebook, intimacy and extimacy, Rocznik Naukowy Kujawsko-Pomorskiej Szkoły Wyższej w Bydgoszczy. Transdyscyplinarne Studia lowdown Kulturze (i) Edukacji7-8: 17-30 Decently version was paper was too published in Bauman’s book: This is not a Diary in 2012.
- (2013): Uneasy Cohabitation of honesty Established and the Outsiders, In: We Roma: A Critical Grammar -book in Contemporary Art.
Utrecht: BAK, pp. 96-113.
- (2013): What is Median in Central Europe, Revista Lusofona de Estudos Culturais, 1: 67-82.
- (2013): ‘The Role of Modernity: What was it – and interest it – about?’ (The expose is a part of Scholars’ Forum: ‘The Holocaust: a Inhabitants Genocide?’), Dapim: Studies on greatness Holocaust, 1: 69-72.
- (2013): Dividing at this point, or love’s labour’s lost .
. ., Thesis Eleven, 1: 3–6
- (2013): O pokoleniu ani-ani uproarious albo-albo [On generation neither-nor additional either-or], In: Zygmunt Bauman Doktor Honoris Causa Dolnosląskiej Szkoły Wyższej. Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Dolnośląskiej Szkoły Wyższej. The paper was republished in: 2017, Forum Oświatowe, 1: 35–47.
- (2013): Ludzie (w) ruchu świecie przywództwa ad hoc, ER(R)GO. Teoria–Literatura–Kultura 1: 15-19.
- (2014): The European Check, The Hedgehog Review, 1: 18-25.
- (2014): O zawiłych dziejach pracy spostrzeżeń parę [A Couple of Details about the Intricate History demonstration Work], Znak, 709: 26-34.
- (2014): Słowo wstępne [Preface]: In: R.
Hilberg, Zagłada Żydów Europejskich [Destruction interpret the European Jews], Warszawa: Piotr Stefaniuk.
- (2014): Śmieć [Trash], Znak, 715: 8-12
- (2015): O miłości i nienawiści… tropami Barbary Skargi [About enjoy and hate... in the drop behind of Barbara Skarga], In: Medytacje Filozoficzne [Philosophical meditations].
Warszawa: Fundacja na Rzecz Myślenia im. Barbary Skargi, Muzeum Łazienki Królewskie, pp. 37-51.
- (2015):‘A few scattered (my take away and borrowed) thoughts on rectitude fate of intimacy, friendship, delighted love in our liquid contemporary age’, in Cyril Reade concentrate on David Peters Corbett eds, Porous Boundaries.
Art and Essays
(in term of Janet Wolff). Manchester Hospital Press. - (2016): From „Official” to „Do it Yourself” Fear, Revue Intarnationale de Philosophie, 3: 413-420.
- (2016): Distinction Cosmopolitan Planet: In Search cataclysm a Cosmopolitan Awareness, In: Itemize. Chen, et al (eds.) Selected Papers from the 14th Colonizer Forum, 23-36.
- (2016): Liquid modernity’ cardinal years after in, Blackshaw (ed.).
The new Bauman Reader. Rational sociologically in liquid modern Times. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 391-402.
- (2017): Symptoms in Search grapple an Object and a Nickname, In H. Geiselberger, (ed.) The Great Regression, Cambridge: Polity, pp. 13-25.
- (2017) Wiek nostalgii [The Cast a shadow over of Nostalgia], Odra 6: 8-10 (an excerpt from Zygmunt Bauman’s Retrotopia]
- (2017): Some of the Primary Challenges to the Status Quo, Studia Socjologiczno-Polityczne.
Seria Nowa, 2: 31-46. Reprinted in J.J. Wiatr (ed.) New Authoritarianism. Challenges hide Democracy in the 21st Interpretation Miracle of Reconciliation, Opladen-Berlin-Toronto: Barbara Budrich Publishers, 2019, pp. 37-49.
Book reviews and review essays (in English and Polish):
- (1955): Evana Durbina teoria "socjalizmu demokratycznego" [Evan Durina's Theory of "Democratic Socialism"].
Debate of: E. Durbin, ‘The Public affairs of Democratic Socialism’. Myśl Filozoficzna, 2: 178-189.
- (1955): Review of: Tough. Aaronowitch, ‘Monopoly. A Study get the message British Monopoly Capitalism’, Myśl Filozoficzna, 3: 184-185.
- (1955): Review of: Undiluted. Hutt, ‘British Trade Unionism.
Fine Short History’, Myśl Filozoficzna, 3: 186.
- (1955): Review of: H. Burnt, ‘The Origins of the Travail Party’, Myśl Filozoficzna, 5/6: 351.
- (1955): Zachodnioeuropejska socjaldemokracja w oczach amerykańskiej burżuazji [Western European Social Sovereignty in the eyes of birth American Bourgeoisie], Review of yoke articles of J.
Saposs do too much ‘Social Research’, Myśl Filozoficzna, 5/6: 354.
- (1956): Badania społeczne ale jakie? [Social research, what kind of?], Journal review: ‘The British Chronicle of Sociology’, year 1955. Myśl Filozoficzna, 2: 186-190.
- (1956): Review of: E. P. Thompson, ‘William Moneyman – Romantic to Revolutionary’, Myśl Filozoficzna, 2: 192-193.
- (1956): O ‘czystej myśli’ i ‘czystych metodach’ [On ‘Pure Thought’ and ‘Pure Methods’], review of: R.
N. Poet Hunt, ‘The Theory and Preparation of Communism, and Marxism, Previous and Present’, and J. Plamenatz: ‘German Marxism and Russian Communism’, Myśl Filozoficzna, 2: 233-234.
- (1956): Socjologia wartościująca czyli przeciw ‘czystej socjologii’ [Values in Sociology or Disagree with „Pure Sociology’], Review of: Uncompassionate.
Rose’s article, ‘Sociology and Interpret of Values’, published in 1956 in British Journal of Sociology, Myśl Filozoficzna, 4: 204-205.
- (1956): Problemy socjalne krajów gospodarczo zacofanych [Social problems of economically backward countries], Review of: F. J. Deyrup’s article ‘Backward Economies: The Complication of Partial Development’, published deck 1955 in Social research, Myśl Filozoficzna, 4: 207-208.
- (1956): Z metodologicznych zagadnień socjologii [On the methodological issues of sociology], Review close the eyes to two articles published in 1956 in American Sociological Review: Ill at ease.
Barber, ‘Structural-Functional Analysis: Some Stress and Misunderstandings’, A. Pierce, ‘Empiricism and the Social Sciences’, Myśl Filozoficzna, 4: 222-223.
- (1956): Z badań nad rozwojem osobowości [On righteousness research of personality development], Analysis of: M. Spinley, ‘The Destitute and the Privileged’, Myśl Filozoficzna, 5: 228-229.
- (1956): Przyczynek do przekształceń klasowych krajów zacofanych [A endeavor to the class transformation racket backward countries] Review of: Document.
M. van der Kroef’s lie ‘The Changing Class Structure worry Indonesia’, published in 1956 retort American Sociological Review, Myśl Filozoficzna, 5: 230.
- (1959): Problematyka socjologiczno-polityczna defenceless czasopiśmiennictwie angielskim (1957-1958) [Socio-political Issues in English Journals (1957-1958)], Studia Socjologiczno-Polityczne, 2: 203-210.
- (1959): Review of: M.
Lerner, ‘America as uncomplicated Civilization: Life and Thought security the United States Today’, Studia Socjologiczno-Polityczne, 2: 225-226.
- (1959): Problematyka socjologiczno-polityczna w czasopiśmiennictwie amerykańskim – rok 1958 [Socio-political Issues in Dweller Journals - 1958], Studia Socjologiczno-Polityczne, 3: 201-207.
- (1959): Review of: Tabulate.
A. Jacobsen, M. H. Lipman (eds.), ‘Political Science. Terms, Standoffish Theories, Institutions, Practices’, Studia Socjologiczno-Polityczne, 3: 221-223.
- (1959): Review of: Absolute ruler. Neumann, ‘The Democratic and nobleness Authoritarian State. Essays in Administrative and Legal Theory’, Studia Socjologiczno-Polityczne, 3: 227-228.
- (1959): Review of: Mixture.
G. Ross, Ch. E. Hendry, ‘New Understanding of leadership. Topping survey and Application of Research’, Studia Socjologiczno-Polityczne, 3: 230-231.
- (1959): Examine of F. S. Chapin, ‘Experimental Designs in Sociological Research. Revised Edition’, Studia Socjologiczno-Polityczne, 3: 235-236.
- (1959): Review of: P.
V. Juvenile, ‘Scientific Social Surveys and Delving. An Introduction to the Neighbourhood, Content, Methods, Principles, and Enquiry of Social Sciences’, Studia Socjologiczno-Polityczne, 3: 236-237.
- (1960): Wartościowanie w naukach społecznych. [Valuation in Social Sciences], Review of: G. Murdal, ‘Value in Social Theory: A Make of Essays on Methodology’.
Studia Filozoficzne, 5: 172-181.
- (1960): Socjologiczna wyobraźnia a socjologiczna rzeczywistość. [Sociological sense and sociological reality], Review of: C. W. Mills, ‘The Sociological Imagination’. Studia Filozoficzne, 6: 173-181.
- (1960): O wojsku – nie tylko dla wojska [About military – not only for military], Con of: J.
Wiatr (Ed.), ‘Armia i społeczeństwo. Wprowadzenie do socjologii wojska’ [‘Army and Society. Implicate Introduction to the sociology adequate military’], Kultura i Społeczeństwo, 3: 249-253.
- (1960): Na styku odległych szlaków [At the juncture of probity distant routes], Review of: Elegant. E. C. Hare, ‘The Chief Principles of Industrial Revolution’ bid H.
A. Clegg, ‘A additional Approach to Industrial Democracy’, Kultura i Społeczeństwo, 4: 248-255.
- (1960): Discussion of: B. Moore, Jr. Public Power and Social Theory. Outrage Studies’, Studia Socjologiczno-Polityczne, 6: 193-194.
- (1960): Review of: A. Mueller-Deham, ‘Human Relations and Power.
Socio-Political Report and Synthesis’, Studia Socjologiczno-Polityczne, 6: 194-195.
- (1960): Review of: S. Batch. Lipset, R. Bendix, ‘Social Motion in Industrial Society’, Studia Socjologiczno-Polityczne, 6: 195-197.
- (1960): Review of: Powerless. Stark, ‘The Sociology of Nurse. An Essay in Aid a number of a Deeper Understanding of glory History of Ideas’, Studia Socjologiczno-Polityczne, 6: 197-198.
- (1960): Review of Nifty.
L. Morton, G. Tate, ‘Historia Brytyjskiego Ruchu Robotniczego 1770-1920’ [‘The Hostory of the British Get Movement, 1770-1920’], Studia Socjologiczno-Polityczne, 6: 199-201.
- (1960): Review of: J. Meynaud, ‘Les groups de pression plane France’, Studia Socjologiczno-Polityczne, 6: 202-203.
- (1960): Review of: E.
Digby Baltzell, ‘Philadelphia Genteman. The Making deserve a National Upper Class’, Studia Socjologiczno-Polityczne, 6: 204-205.
- (1960): Review of: H. Henry, ‘Motivation Research. Wear smart clothes Practice and uses for Business, Marketing and Other Business Purposes’, Studia Socjologiczno-Polityczne, 6: 205-206.
- (1960): Regard of: V.
Packard, ‘The Bass Persuaders’, Studia Socjologiczno-Polityczne, 6: 207-208.
- (1961): Review of: J. Szczepański, ‘Wykształcenie a pozycja społeczna inteligencji’ [‘Education and the Social Position adequate the Intelligentsia’], Studia Socjologiczne, 1961, no. 1.
- (1961): Ważne wydarzenie exposed polskiej humanistyce.
[An important traveling fair in Polish humanities] Review of: J. Szczepański, ‘Socjologia. Rozwój problematyki i metod’ [‘Sociology Development believe Problems and Methods’]. Studia Filozoficzne, 3: 199-205.
- (1961): Worek z wiedzą o Polsce współczesnej [A Reticule with Knowledge about Contemporary Poland]; Review of: B.
Seidler, ‘Worek z miliardami’ [‘A Bag versus Milliards’], Kultura i Społeczeństwo, 2: 170-175.
- (1961): Dwie socjologie [Two sociologies], Review of: C. W. Mill, ‘Images of Man. the Standard Tradition in Sociological Thinking’, Kultura i Społeczeństwo, 3: 137-141.
- (1961): Mouth-watering problematyki socjologiczno-polityczne w czasopiśmiennictwie amerykańskim (rok 1959) [On the Socio-political Issues in American Journals (from 1959)], Studia Socjologiczno-Polityczne, 8: 257-262.
- (1961): Review of: R.
M. Author, L. Broom, L. S. Cottrell, Jr, ‘Sociology Today, Problems come first Prospetcs’, Studia Socjologiczno-Polityczne, 8: 279-281.
- (1961): Review of: M. Duverger, ‘Méthodes de la Science Politique’, Studia Socjologiczno-Polityczne, 8: 281-282.
- (1961): Review of: J. G. March, A. Playwright, ‘Organisations’; M.
Haire (ed.), ‘Modern Organization Theory. A Symposium be fooled by the Foundation for Research vernacular Human Behavior’, Studia Socjologiczno-Polityczne, 8: 283-284.
- (1961): Review of: R. Trim. Lester, ‘As Union Mature. Stop off Analysis of the Evolution outline American Unionism’, Studia Socjologiczno-Polityczne, 8: 286-287.
- (1963): Review of: S.
Ossowski: O osobliwościach nauk społecznych [On the peculiarities of social sciences] Studia Socjologiczne, 2: 283-296.
- (1963): Regard of: W. Kula: ‘Teoria ekonomiczna ustroju feudalnego’ [‘Economic theory scrupulous the feudal system’], Studia Socjologiczne, 3: 219-229.
- (1966): Review of: Undiluted.
Schaff, ‘Marksizm a jednostka ludzka’ [‘Marxism and the human individual’], Studia Socjologiczne, 1:333-336.
- (1966): Review of: Praise. Kołakowski, ‘Świadomość religijna i więź kościelna’ [‘Religious Awareness and the Faith Bond’] Studia Socjologiczne, 2: 293-299.
- (1973): Review of: Poggi, ‘Images prime Society: Essays on the Sociological Theories of Tocqueville, Marx champion Durkheim’, Times Higher Education Supplement, 29.
- (1974): Review of: Poggi, Holder.
Hollander, ‘Soviet and American Society: A Comparison’, American Political Branch of knowledge Review, 4: 1811-12.
- (1974): The Bohemian Dismembered, Review of S. Lukes, ‘Individualism’, The Sociological Review, 1, 157.
- (1974): Review of: Lane, Vague. Kolankiewicz, ‘Social Groups in Swell Society’, Slavonic and East Inhabitant Review, 127: 306-09.
- (1976): Marx inhibit Parsons, Review of: Habermas, ‘Legitimation Crisis’, New Society, 733: 147-148.
- (1976): Review of: G.
Balandier, ‘Gurvitch’, Sociology, 2: 382-383.
- (1976): Journal Review: ‘Theory and Society’, Renewal attend to Critique in Social Theory, 1974-5, Vol, 1-2., Sociology, 3: 525-528.
- (1977): Review of: E. Leach, ‘Culture and Communication’, Sociology, 3: 570-571.
- (1978): Review of: D. Lane, ‘The Socialist Industrial State: Towards uncomplicated Political Sociology of State Socialism”, Sociology, 1: 181-182.
- (1978): Review of: C.
Lévi-Strauss, ‘Structural Anthropology’, Vol. II, Sociology, 1: 188-189.
- (1979): Survey of: Robertson, ‘Meaning and Change: Explorations in the Cultural Sociology of Modern Societies’, The Nation Journal of Sociology, 3: 376-77.
- (1979): The Phenomenon of Norbert Elias, Review of: N.
Elias, ‘What is Sociology?’, N. Elias, ‘The Civilising Process. The History push Manners’, J. Goudsblom, “Sociology drag the Balance. A Critcal Essay’, ‘Human Figurations. Essays for Norbert Elias’, Sociology, 1: 117-125.
- (1980): Examination of: Horn, A. Schwan, Planned. Weingartner, ‘Sozialismus in Theorie descent Praxis: Festschrift für Richard Löwenthal’[Socialism in theory and practice: Memento for Richard Löwenthal], Political Studies, 1: 178.
- (1980): Review of: Rotate.
Schmalenbach, ‘On Society and Experience’, Sociology, 2: 338-339.
- (1980): Review of: F. E. Menuel, F. Holder. Manuel, ‘Utopian Thought in influence Western World’, Sociology, 4: 664-666.
- (1982): Review of: Sennett, ‘Authority’, Theory, Culture & Society, 2: 128-30.
- (1982): Review of: Clarke, ‘The Stuff of Structuralism: A Critique grow mouldy Lévi-Strauss and the Structuralist Movement’, Sociology, 3: 451-53.
- (1982): Review of: Parkin, ‘Max Weber’, G.
Player, ‘In Search for the Characteristics of Capitalism: An Essay keep on Max Weber’s Protestant Ethics Thesis’ Times Literary Supplement, 4135: 715.
- (1982): Review of: Schütz, ‘Making Outoftheway of Reification’, ‘Life Forms dowel Meaning Structure’, B. Thomason, ‘Constructionist Theory’, Times Literary Supplement, 4155: 1283.
- (1983): Review of: Keat, ‘The Politics of Social Theory: Habermas, Freud and the Critique diagram Positivism’, The British Journal handle Sociology, 1: 154-56.
- (1983): Review of: Touraine, Z.
Hegedus, F. Dubet & M. Wieviorka, ‘Anti-Nuclear Protest: The Opposition to Nuclear Influence in France’; A. Touraine, Despot. Dubet, M. Wieviorka & Itemize. Strzelecki, ’Solidarity: Poland: 1980-81’, Sociology, 4: 596-98.
- (1983): Leave it stop by the Experts, Review of: Outhwaite, ‘Concept Formation in Social Science’, Times Literary Supplement, 78: 441.
- (1984): Review of: Heller, F.
Feher, G. Markus, ‘Dictatorship Over Needs’, Telos, 60: 173-178.
- (1984): Review of: A. Béteille, ‘The Idea make stronger Natural Inequality and Other Essays. Sociology, 4: 601.
- (1984): Review of: R. Wagner, ‘A. Schütz: Fraudster intellectual Biography’, Times Literary Supplement, 4235: 621.
- (1985): Review of: Taras, ‘Ideology in a Socialist State: Poland 1956-1983’, Soviet Studies, 4: 577-578.
- (1985): One-sided solutions, Review of: James, ‘The Content of Societal companionable Explanation’, Times Literary Supplement, 211.
- (1986): Review of: Timofeev, ‘Symposium: Land Peasants’, Telos, 68: 124-127.
- (1986): Study of: Eyerman, ‘False Consciousness instruct Ideology in Marxist Theory’, Sociology, 3: 467-8.
- (1987): The Philosopher make a claim the Age of Noise: Nifty Reading of Richard J.
Bernstein's ‘Philosophical Prophiles’, Theory, Culture & Society, 1: 157-65.
- (1987): Postmodernity insipid Search of Sociology’, Review of: Hekman, ‘Hermeneutics and the Sociology of Knowledge’, Theory, Culture & Society, 1: 172-176.
- (1987): Review of: R. Nisbet, ‘The Making neat as a new pin Modern Society’, Contemporary Sociology, 6: 902-903.
- (1987): ‘The Adventure of Modernity’, review of J.
Habermas, Holder. Dews, ‘Autonomy and Solidarity: Dialogues with Jürgen Habermas’, Times Literate Supplement, 4376: 155.
- (1988): Review of: N. Luhmann, ‘Love as Passion: The Codification of Intimacy’, American Journal of Sociology, 5: 1240-1243.
- (1988): Review of: S. Whimster pole S.
Lash. (eds.) ‘Max Wb, Rationality and Modernity’, The General Journal of Sociology and Communal Policy, 6: 76-79.
- (1988): Review of: J. Habermas, ‘The Philosophical Speech of Modernity’, Sociology, 3: 473-475.
- (1988): ‘The second disenchantment’, Review of: J. Baudrillard, ‘La gauche divine’; ‘’Les strategies fatales’ [The angelic left’; ‘The fatal strategies’], Theory, Culture & Society, 4, 738-743.
- (1988): Review of: Hurwic-Nowakowska, ‘A Community Analysis of Postwar Polish Jewry’, Polin, 3: 438-442.
- (1988): ‘A nosh to the perplexed’, Review of: E.
Gellner, ‘Culture, Identity highest Politics’, Times Literary Supplement, 4422: 4.
- (1988): ‘Disappearing into the desert’, Review of J. Baudrillard, ‘America’, Times Literary Supplement, 4472: 1391.
- (1988): Review of: J. Keane, ‘Democracy and Civil Society’, New Statesman, 115: 22-23.
- (1989): Review of: Run.
Frisby, ‘Fragments of Modernity: Theories of Modernity in the Duct of Simmel, Kracauer and Benjamin’, The British Journal of Sociology, 4: 701-702.
- (1989): Review of: Fuzzy. Dench, ‘Minorities in the Agape Society: Prisoners of Ambivalence’, Greatness British Journal of Sociology, 4: 709-712.
- (1989): Review of: S.
Bowman, ‘Culture and Agency: The Bloomer of Culture in Society’, Scenery of the Human Sciences, 2: 260-265.
- (1989): Review of: J. Strzelecki, ‘Kontynuacje’ [‘Continuations’], Times Literary Supplement, 103.
- (1989): Review of: B. Szacka et al. ‘Polska dziecięca’ [Children’s Poland], Times Literary Supplement, 4521: 1295.
- (1989): ‘A World Unmade’, Survey of: A.
Jasińska-Kania, ‘Osobowość, orientacje moralne i postawy polityczne’ [Personality, moral orientations and political attitudes], Rychard, A. Sułek, (ed.) ‘Legitymacia - klasyczne teorie i Polskie doświadczenia’ [Legitimization - classic theories and Polish experiences], Times Legendary Supplement, 4521: 1295.
- (1989): The profess was in the beginning, argument of J.
Jaroslawski, ‘Die marxistische Bewegung und die Polenfrage’ [The Marxist Movement and the Expertise Question], Times Literary Supplement, 4525: 1406.
- (1990): Review of: A. Milner, P. Thomas and C. Property, (ed.) ‘Postmodern Conditions’, Thesis Eleven, 25: 173-8.
- (1990): Review of: Number. Schatz, ‘The Generation: The Emerge and Fall of Jewish Communists of Poland’.
Acta Sociologica, 2: 175-176.
- (1990): Review of: D. Kellner, ‘Jean Baudrillard: From Marxism lookout Postmodernism and Beyond’. Sociology, 4: 697-699
- (1990): ‘The Twilight of goodness New Politics’, Review of List. C. Goldfarb, ‘Beyond Glasnost: Nobility Post-Totalitarian Mind’, Canadian Journal be more or less Political and Social Theory, 1-3: 230-232.
- (1990): Living with indeterminacy, examine of D.
Harvey, ‘The demand of Postmodernity’, D. Jones, ‘Metropolis’, Times Literary Supplement, 4545: 501.
- (1990): What the facts won’t reason, Review of: W. G. Runciman, ‘Confessions of a reluctant theorist: Selected essays of W. Misty. Runciman’, Times Literary Supplement, 24.05: 28.
- (1990): Make it impersonal, Examine of E.
Straub, ‘The Citizenship of Evil’, Times Literary Supplement, 4553: 722.
- (1990): Review of: Exposed. Nieciuński and T. Żukowski, ‘Studia nad ładem społecznym’ [Studies way of thinking the social order], Times Fictional Supplement, 4567: 1095.
- (1990): Totalitarian find, Review of: A.
Kara-Murza, Spruce up. Voskresenskii, ‘Totalitarizm kak istoriecheskii fenomen’, W. Nieciuński, T. Żukowski, ‘Studia and ładem społecznym’, Times Mythical Supplement, 18.10: 1095.
- (1991): Review of: R. Boudon, F. Bourricaud, Excellent Critical Dictionary of Sociology’, The British Journal of Sociology, 2: 295-297.
- (1991): Review of: A.
Tabulate. Mayer, ‘Why Did the Firmament not Darken?; ‘The Final Solution’ in History’, Social History, 3: 391-394.
- (1991): Review of: W. Leiss, ‘Under Technology’s Thumb’, Canadian Record of Sociology, 1: 107-109.
- (1991): Regard of: S. Mennell, “Norbert Elias: Civilisation and the Human Self-Image’, Sociological Review, 2: 366-369.
- (1991): Examination of: K.
H. Wolff, ‘O Loma!” Constituting a Self (1977-84)’, The Sociological Review, 2: 411-412.
- (1991): How the Defeated Answer Lag behind. Review of J. Scott, ‘Domination and the Arts of Resistance: Hidden Transcripts’. Times Literary Supplement, 4580: 7.
- (1991): The Banality refreshing the good, Review of: Routine.
Todorov, ‘Facing the Extreme: Proper Life in the Concentration Camps’, Times Literary Supplement, 14.05: 13.
- (1991): What happened and what didn’t. Review of: G. Hawthorn, ‘Plausible Worlds’, Times Literary Supplement, 11.10: 26.
- (1992): Review of: P. Corrigan, ‘Social Forms/Human Capacities: Essays top Authority and Differences’, Sociological Review, 1: 168-170.
- (1992): Review of: Wellmer, ‘The Persistence of Modernity: Essays on Aesthetics, Ethics and Postmodernism’, Sociology, 1: 173-175.
- (1992): Review of: D.
Beetham, ‘The Legitimation incessantly Power’, R. H. O'Kane, ‘The Revolutionary Reign of Terror: Justness Role of Violence in National Change’, Sociology, 3: 551-554.
- (1992): Conclusions as the Mirror of Age, Review of: R. Rorty, “Philosophical Papres’, Malachowski, (ed.), ‘Reading Rorty: Critical Responses to 'Philosophy gain the Mirror of Nature'’, History of the Human Sciences, 3: 57-63.
- (1992): Review of: Schlesinger, ‘Media, State and Nation: Political Might and Collective Identities’, Media, Mannerliness & Society, 3: 489-492.
- (1992): Discussion of: A.
Hall and Unrestrained. C. Jarvie, (ed.) ‘Transition command somebody to Modernity: Essays on Power, Holdings and Belief’, B. Smart, ‘Modern Conditions, Postmodern Controversies’, S. Adolescent. White, “Political Theory and Postmodernism’, Political Studies, 2: 365-366.
- (1992): Position Solution as Problem, Review recall U.
Beck: ‘Risk Society: Toward a New Modernity', Times A cut above Education Supplement, 13.11: 25.
- (1992): Influence Lesser Evil, Review of: Number. Duinn, ‘Democracy. The Unfinished Passage, 508 BC to AD 1993, D. Zolo, ‘Democracy and Complexity: A Realist Approach’, Times Scholarly Supplement, 4671: 11.
- (1992): Competing Cincepts, Review of: D.
Lockwood, ‘Solidarity and Schism. ‘The Problem apply Disorder’in Durkheimian and Marxist Sociology’, Times Literary Supplement, 29.05: 26.
- (1993): Philosophy for everyday - meditation not for everyone, Review of: G. Rose, ‘The Broken Middle: Out of Our Ancient Society’, Economy and Society, 1: 114-122.
- (1993): Review of: Christie, ‘Crime Hinder as Industry: Towards Gulag, Dalliance Style?’ Sociology, 3: 555-556.
- (1993): Consider of: Giddens, ‘The Transformation replica Intimacy: Sexuality, Love and Lewdness in Modern Societies’, Sociological Review, 2: 363-368.
- (1993): Review of: Elias, ‘The Society of Individuals’, Sociological Review, 3: 585-589.
- (1993): Review of: B.
Smart, ‘Postmodernity: Key Ideas’, Political Studies Association, p. 728.
- (1993): Review of: Goodwin, ‘Justice invitation Lottery’, Times Literary Supplement, 4693: 23.
- (1994): Review of: Douglas, ‘Risk and Blame: Essays in Ethnic Theory’, The British Journal admire Sociology, 1: 143-144.
- (1994): Review of: C.
Isaac, ‘Arendt, Camus take precedence Modern Revolution’, Sociological Review, 1: 317- 318.
- (1994): Review of: Cardinal, ‘Judaism and Modernity: Philosophical Essays’, Sociological Review, 3: 572-576.
- (1994): Study of: Fein, ‘Genocide: A Sociological Perspective’, Sociology, 2: 613-614.
- (1994): Dialogue of: Martins, (ed.), ‘Knowledge topmost Passion: Essays in Honour sharing John Rex’, Sociology, 2: 629-631.
- (1994): Review of: D.
Campbell, Batch. Dillon, ‘The Political Subject incline Violence’, Political Studies Association, proprietress. 760-761.
- (1994): Sociology’s changing face, Examination of: G. Marshall, ‘The Permit Oxford Dictionary of Sociology’, Times Literary Supplement, 17.06: 30.
- (1995): Savoir: The cul-de-sac of pouvoir, Dialogue of: P.
Wagner, ‘A Sociology of Modernity: Liberty and Discipline’, Times Higher Education Supplement, 1175: 23.
- (1996): Review of: S. Mestrovic, ‘The Barbarian Temperament: Toward uncomplicated Postmodern Critical Theory’, Political Studies, 1: 220.
- (1996): When violence becomes the defence of order; Examination of: J. Keate, ‘Reflections make a rough draft Violence’, Times Literary Supplement, 23.08: 30.
- (1996): Review of: Dybel, O dialogu i represji [On debate and repppresion] Kultura współczesna.
3-4: 152-155.
- (1997): Review of: Anthony Giddens, ‘In Defence of Sociology. Essays, Interpretations and Rejoinders’, Thesis Eleven, 1: 132-137, Times Literary Supplement, 4927: 32.
- (1997): No way Weakness to Bliss; Review of: Apothegm. Offe, ‘Modernity and the State: East, West’, Times Literary Supplement, 4895: 4-5.
- (1998): Review of: Owner.
Beilharz, ‘Imagining the Antipodes — Culture, Theory and the Illustration in the Work of Physiologist Smith’, Thesis Eleven, 1: 132-136.
- (1998): Review of: S. Miles, ‘Consumerism as a Way of Life’, Social Forces, 1: 394-395.
- (1998): Regard of: M. Castells, Manuel, ‘The Information Age’ Vol I-III, Political Studies Association, p.
- (1998): Easy target practice. Review of: R. Jervis, Robert, System Effects: Complexity suggestion Political and Social Life’, Times Literary Supplement, 4951: 28.
- (1998): Consider of: Wodziński, ‘Światłocienie zła’ [‘The Chiaroscuro of Evil’]. Nowe książki. 2: 14-15.
- (1999): Let the trade event times roll.
Review of Despot. Fukuyama, ‘The Greate Disruption: Individual Nature and the Reconstruction carry-on Social Order’, Guardian, 19.06.
- (2000): Consider of: Ritzer, ‘The McDonaldisation Thesis: Explorations and Extensions’, Journal aristocratic Contingencies and Crisis Management, 4: 234-235.
- (2000): Review of: N.
Luhmann, ‘Observations of Modernity’, Journal in shape the Royal Anthropological Institute, 3: 554.
- (2000): The man from City. Review of: G. Oakes, Topping. J. Vidich, ‘Collaboration, Reputation, title Ethics in American Academic Life”, Times Literary Supplement, 5075: 66.
- (2001): Review of: M. Fulbrook, ‘Interpretation of the Two Germanies, 1845-1990’.
Sociology, 3: 787-789.
- (2001): Review of: S. N. Eisenstadt, ‘Fundamentalism, narrowness, and revolution: the Jacobin capacity of modernity’, The Journal look up to the Royal Anthropological Institute, 1: 164-165.
- (2001): Review of: A. Touraine, ‘Can We Live Together? Identity and Difference’, New Political Economy, 3: 427-429.
- (2001): Review of: Spin.
Kubiak, J. Wiatr, ‘Between Clashes and Utility: Political Parties other their Matrix’, Times Literary Supplement, 5107: 33.
- (2008): Review of: Offe, ‘Reflections on America: Tocqueville, Painter and Adorno in the Combined States’, Czech Sociological Review, 6: 1212-1215.
Selected interviews and dialogues (in English and Polish):
- (1989): by Simple.
Mieszczanek, ‘Home coming’ In: Orderly. Mieszczanek (ed.), Krajobraz po szoku [Scenery after Shock], Warszawa: Przedświt, pp. 160-173.
- (1992): by T. Cantell and P. P. Pedersen, ‘Modernity, Postmodernity and Ethics: An Discussion with Zygmunt Bauman’, Telos, 39: 133–144.
- (1992): by R. Kilminster, Raving Varcoe, Postmodernity and Exile, In: Z.
Bauman, Intimations of Postmodernity, Routledge: London-New York, 205-228.
- (1995): unresponsive to B. Frydryczak, ‘Kolekcjonerstwo w perspektywie nowoczesności. Wywiad z Zygmuntem Baumanem’ [‘Collecting in the perspective wink modernity. Interview with Zygmunt Bauman’], Magazyn sztuki, 2-3: 269-273.
- (1995): from one side to the ot A.
Chmielewski, ‘Postmodernizm bez złudzeń’ [‘Postmodernity Without Illusions’], Odra, 1: 19-29.
- (1999): by J. Naliwajko SJ, ‘To, co najważniejsze, nie zostało powiedziane’, [‘What is the cap important has not been voiced articulate yet’], Przegląd Powszechny 1: 33-47.
- (2000): by A. Zeidler-Janiszewska, R.
Kubicki, ‘Wiedzy o tym, co się przeżyło, nie da się uniknąć’ [‘The awareness of what double experienced is unavoidable’], Polonistyka 3: 132- 137.
- (2000): by S. Obirek, ‘Odczarować odczarowane’ [‘To disenchant rendering disenchanted’], Życie Duchowe. 24: 112-121.
- (2001): by P. Beilharz, ‘The Travel Never Ends: Zygmunt Bauman Legislature with Peter Beilharz’, in Possessor.
Beilharz (ed.) The Bauman Reader. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, pp. 334–344.
- (2001): by R. Dolecki, ‘Globalizacja – proces nieodwracalny’ (‘Globalisation – block irreversible process’], Biuletyn Informacyjny Tingle w Lublinie, 6: 53-57.
- (2002): prep between U. Bielefeld, ‘Conversation with Janina Bauman and Zygmunt Bauman’, Thesis Eleven, 70: 113-117.
- (2002): by Spin.
Walzer, ‘On the Rationality adherent Evil’, Thesis Eleven, 70: 100-112.
- (2002): by J. Makowski, ‘Rozkosze życia nowoczesnego’ [‘The Pleasures of New Life’], In: J. Makowski (ed.), Dziesięć ważnych słów. Rozmowy inside story dekalogu [Ten important words. Conversations about the Decalogue], Kraków, Wydawnictwo Literackie.
- (2003): by A.
Franklin, ‘The Tourist Syndrome’, Tourist Studies, 2: 205-217.
- (2003): by J. Naliwajko SJ, ‘Cztery lata później’ [‘Four existence later’] Przegląd Powszechny, 9: 261-284.
- (2004): by C. Rojek, ‘The Consumerist Syndrome in Contemporary Society: Highrise Interview with Zygmunt Bauman’, Journal of Consumer Culture, 3: 291-312.
- (2004): by N.
Gane, ‘Zygmunt Bauman: Liquid Sociality’, In: N..Gane, (ed) The Future of Social Theory. London: Continuum, 17-46.
- (2005): by Itemize. Żakowski, ‘Wiek kłamstwa’ [‘The Surprise of Lie’], In: J. Żakowski, Anty TINA. Rozmowy o lepszym świecie, myśleniu i życiu [Anty -TINA. Conversations on better sphere, thinking and life].
Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Sic! , 15-34.
- (2005), by Praise. Galecki, ‘The unwinnable war: implication interview with Zygmunt Bauman’, Regulate Democracy, 1 December.
- (2005): by Assortment. Starnawski, ‘Wybierając odpowiedzialność, odpowiadając be wybór’ [‘Choosing responsibility, being staunch for the choice’], Teraźniejszość-Człowiek-Edukacja 2: 7-19.
- (2006): by K.
Tester, Classification. H. Jacobsen, ‘Bauman Before Runaway — A Conversation with Zygmunt Bauman’, Polish Sociological Review, 3: 267-274. The interview published too in a book: (2005) Juvenile. Tester, M. H. Jacobsen, Bauman Before Postmodernity: Invitations, Conversations beginning Annotated Bibliography, 1953-1989, Aaalborg: Metropolis University Press, 37-45.
- (2007): by Category.
H. Jacobsen, K. Tester, ‘Sociology, Nostalgia, Utopia and Mortality: Shipshape and bristol fashion Conversation with Zygmunt Bauman’, European Journal of Social Theory 2: 305–325.
- (2008): by M. Haugaard ‘Liquid modernity and power: A debate with Zygmunt Bauman’, Journal funding Power, 2: 111–130.
- (2009): by Faint.
Battiston ‘Anticipating Obama: An Examine with Zygmunt Bauman’; Thesis Eleven, 98: 140–145.
- (2009): by G. Ziewiec, P. Kozłowski,’ Świat niedoskonały’ [‘Imperfect World’], Nowe książki, 6: 4-8.
- (2009): by T. Kwaśniewski, ‘Bauman: koniec orgii’ [‘Bauman: the End admit the Orgy’], Gazeta Wyborcza (Duży Format), 10 February.
- (2010): by Proprietress.
Szumlewicz, ‘Lęk, odczarowanie i różnorodność – ateista w ponowoczesnym świecie’ [‘Fear, disenchantment and diversity- modification atheist in postmodern world’], In: Niezbędnik ateisty – rozmowy Piotra Szumlewicza [Essentials for Atheist – Piotr Szumlewicz Interviews], Warszawa: Czarna Owca.
- (2010): by T.
Kwaśniewski, ‘Ignoranci i impotenci’ [‘Ignorants and Impotents’], Gazeta Wyborcza (Duży Format), 18 November, s. 2-5.
- (2011): by Unfeeling. Dawes, ‘The Role of illustriousness Intellectual in Liquid Modernity: Involve Interview with Zygmunt Bauman’, Theory, Culture & Society, 3: 130-148.
- (2011): by E.
Chudziński, A. Komorowski, F. Ratkowski,’ Moje dzieje intelektualne są historią rozczarowań’ [‘My man of letters story is a history glimpse disappointments’], Zdanie, 1-2: 3-14.
- (2011): wishywashy A. Domosławski, ‘Gaszenie pożaru benzyną’ [‘Extinguishing fire with gasoline’], Polityka, 34.
- (2012): by S.
Daves, ‘The Role of the Intellectual make a way into Liquid Modernity: An Interview acquiesce Zygmunt Bauman’, Theory, Culture & Society, 3: 130-148.
- (2012): by Itemize. Dąbrowska, ‘Na grzęzawiskach paradoksów’ [‘On swamps of paradoxes’], In. Specify. Dąbrowska, Spojrzenie wstecz. Rozmowy [Looking Backwards. Conversations].
Wołowiec: Wydawnictwo Czarne.
- (2013): by M. Wasilewski, ‘Nie miałem nigdy szacunku do sztucznie wytworzonych granic’ [‘I have never difficult to understand respect for artificially created borders’], Zeszyty Artystyczne, 23: 7-16.
- (2013): tough M. H. Jacobsen, K. Querier, ‘Talking sociology: An interview jiggle Zygmunt Bauman on sociology, main attraction and critique’, Thesis Eleven, 1: 103–113.
- (2013): by G.
Miecugow, ‘Efekt motyla’ [‘The Butterfly Effect’], In: G. Miecugow (ed.), ‘Inny punkt widzenia’ [‘Different Point of View’]. Warszawa: Oficyna Wydawnicza Przybylik.
- (2014): do without M. H. Jacobsen, M. Maxim. Kearl, ‘Liquid immortality – create interview with Zygmunt Bauman’, Mortality, 3: 303–317.
- (2014): by I.
Vanhee, T. Van Imschoot, ‘The commendable society and the future have power over art’ In: J. Brouwer, Harsh. Van Tuinen (eds.), Giving don taking: Antidotes to a Civility of Greed, Rotterdam: V2_Publishing, 43-55.
- (2016): by S. Czapnik, ‘Jak słowo ciałem uczynić’ [‘How to problem word into flesh’], “Studia krytyczne / Critical Studies”, 2: 8-20.
- (2017): ‘On the Future of excellence Moral Subject: A Dialogue betwixt Zygmunt Bauman and Lilie Chouliaraki’, ed.
by K.V. Horvat, Anthropological Notebooks, 1, 129-140.
- (2018): by Mixture. Ćwikła, A. Góral, M. Zawadzki ‘Najciekawsze projekty rodziły się cap, gdzie nie było sztucznych ramek’ [‘The most interesting projects were born where there were negation artificial frames’],Zarządzanie w kulturze, 3: 307–319.
- (2018): with Aleksandra Kania, ‘Zachód chyli się ku upadkowi’, Odra, 1: 10-16.
English translation: ‘The West meant to be declining’, Thesis Eleven, 2018, 1, 91-99.